1 Virtual Observatory Of India VOPlatform & Mosaic Service from VOIndia Tushar Agrawal VOIndia, IUCAA.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Virtual Observatory Of India VOPlatform & Mosaic Service from VOIndia Tushar Agrawal VOIndia, IUCAA."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Virtual Observatory Of India VOPlatform & Mosaic Service from VOIndia Tushar Agrawal VOIndia, IUCAA

2 2 Virtual Observatory Of India VOPlatform Utility provides personalized environment Utility provides personalized environment Both SAMP and PLASTIC compatible Both SAMP and PLASTIC compatible Some Features Some Features Supports drag and drop functionality Supports drag and drop functionality VO tools can be launched from the application VO tools can be launched from the application Launches bookmarked links or files Launches bookmarked links or files Saves the application view Saves the application view Sends file to launched tool using interoperable protocol Sends file to launched tool using interoperable protocol Available as a standalone java application Available as a standalone java application http://vo.iucaa.ernet.in/~voi/VOPlatform.html

3 3 Virtual Observatory Of India Main screen

4 4 Virtual Observatory Of India with Aladin

5 5 Virtual Observatory Of India with Topcat

6 6 Virtual Observatory Of India VOPlatform, send a file

7 7 Virtual Observatory Of India Mosaic Service VOI Mosaic Service A web based application A web based application Used to create a Mosaic of FITS cutouts of required areas of the sky Used to create a Mosaic of FITS cutouts of required areas of the sky Cutout obtained by specifying object name or RA and DEC Cutout obtained by specifying object name or RA and DEC Or selecting required region using Google Sky Or selecting required region using Google Sky Presently supports SDSS survey Presently supports SDSS survey Supports both registered/unregistered users Supports both registered/unregistered users Result FITS files can be loaded in Aladin Result FITS files can be loaded in Aladin …

8 8 Virtual Observatory Of India Mosaic input

9 9 Virtual Observatory Of India input from google sky

10 10 Virtual Observatory Of India another input

11 11 Virtual Observatory Of India output

12 12 Virtual Observatory Of India png output

13 13 Virtual Observatory Of India output in aladin

14 14 Virtual Observatory Of India

15 15 Virtual Observatory Of India Thank You ! Comment, feedback or suggestion, please email to voindia@vo.iucaa.ernet.in

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