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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемNastya Grigoryeva
1 2015 year
3 Motivation!
4 Who doesn`t want to become a milionaie re? What motivates people? Can you buy everything for money? Are you ready to do anything to sake of money? What makes people love their job and company and therefore allows them to shine and do their best?
5 Is money the best motivator? Everyone in the company knows that motivation is extremely important. It is no doubt, that the most common way to encourage employees to carry out their duties is money. To my mind, money is the most powerful instrument that influences on peoples attitude to job. Money and monetary rewards are the best employment motivation strategies. Besides, money is the only thing that can motivate people working in the harmful conditions. I can say that money is definitely the finest motivator. To draw the conclusion, giving out monetary rewards is one of the oldest and proved motivation strategies for the staff.
6 Sure money is a mighty motivator. But money alone is a paper tiger. Employers probably dont want the sorts of employees who are solely motivated by money, and by the same token, employers dont want the office whose main calling card is that they pay people a decent wage. « Paper tiger »
7 If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Money doesn't grow on trees. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. Money is roof of all evil. Money makes money. Pay beforehand was never well served. Riches have wings. Rich knows not who is his friend. Where there's muck there's brass.
8 Money motivates perfectly, because many people hold on to their jobs for the sake of a good salary. But nothing motivates better than lack of money. When they are not enough, you start to think faster, and most importantly to act effectively. Of course, it is not specifically necessary to check this, but be aware that the lack of money to bolster very much.
9 Currency of all the other countries have a sign that refers to all currencies - a circle with four rays. French franc US dollar Dutch Guilder Pound sterling Ukrainian hryvnia Euro Japanese yen Indian rupee Italian lira
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