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Lewis Carroll - Льюис Керрол презентация на английском языке
3 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ˈ 27 January 1832 – 14 January 1898), better known by his pen name, Lewis Carroll, was an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon and photographer. His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking- Glass, as well as the poems "The Hunting of the Snark" and "Jabberwocky", all examples of the genre of literary nonsense. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic, and fantasy, and there are societies in many parts of the world (including the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, and New Zealand) dedicated to the enjoyment and promotion of his works and the investigation of his life.
4 ANTECEDENTS Dodgson's family was predominantly northern English, with Irish connections. Conservative and High Church Anglican, most of Dodgson's ancestors were army officers or Church of England clergy. His great-grandfather, also named Charles Dodgson, had risen through the ranks of the church to become the Bishop of Elphin.[4] His grandfather, another Charles, had been an army captain, killed in action in Ireland in 1803 when his two sons were hardly more than babies.[5] His mother's name was Frances Jane Lutwidge.[6]
5 The oldest of these sons – yet another Charles Dodgson – was Carroll's father. He reverted to the other family tradition and took holy orders. He went to Westminster School, and then to Christ Church, Oxford. He was mathematically gifted and won a double first degree, which could have been the prelude to a brilliant academic career. Instead he married his first cousin in 1827 and became a country parson.[7]
6 Dodgson was born in the little parsonage of Daresbury in Cheshire near the towns of Warrington and Runcorn,[8] the eldest boy but already the third child of the four-and-a-half-year-old marriage. Eight more children were to follow. When Charles was 11, his father was given the living of Croft-on-Tees in North Yorkshire, and the whole family moved to the spacious rectory. This remained their home for the next twenty-five years.
7 Young Charles' father was an active and highly conservative cleric of the Church of England who later became the Archdeacon of Richmond[9] and involved himself, sometimes influentially, in the intense religious disputes that were dividing the church. He was High Church, inclining to Anglo-Catholicism, an admirer of John Henry Newman and the Tractarian movement, and did his best to instill such views in his children. Young Charles was to develop an ambiguous relationship with his father's values and with the Church of England as a whole.[10]
8 Персонажи « Страны чудес » Алиса Белый кролик Мышь Додо Робин - Гусь Попугайчик Лори Орлёнок Эд Ящерка Билль Гусеница Герцогиня Чеширский Кот Болванщик Мартовский заяц Соня Червонная Королева Червонный Король Червонный Валет Грифон Черепаха Квази Пэт Кухарка Карточные стражи Персонажи « Зазеркалья » Алиса Чёрная Королева Белая Королева Чёрный Король Белый Король Рыцарь на Белом коне Траляля и Труляля Овца Шалтай - Болтай Бармаглот Зай Атс Болванс Чик Лев и единорог
9 Фильмы Сесиля Хепуорта (1903) Нормана Маклауда (1933) Уильяма Стерлинга (1972) Бада Таунсенда (1976) ( порно ) Терри Гиллиама (1977) Гарри Харриса (1985) Яна Шванкмайера (1988) Ника Уиллинга ( ) Тима Бёртона (2010) Мультфильмы Уолта Диснея (1951) Джонатана Миллера (1966) Ефрема Пружанского ( ) аниме Nippon Animation (1983) Рича Трублада (1988) (1995) Другое Радиопьеса (1976) Альбом Тома Уэйтса (2002) Аудиокнига (2007) Морж и Плотник Расположение персонажей на шахматной доске Время в Зазеркалье День нарожденья Гриб Аннотированная Алиса Игры : American McGees Alice Alice: Madness Returns Персоналии Алиса Лиддел Джон Тенниел Нина Демурова ( переводчик )
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