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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемГеоргий Яковлев
2 Занятие по английскому языку в 11 классе Тема: Грамматика. Simple Present, Present Progressive Теплоухова Ольга Сергеевна, учитель английского языка МКОУ Шатровская СОШ
3 Система времен английского глагола Настоящее простое Настоящее продолженное
4 Цели урока Продолжить работу по формированию грамматических навыков. Продолжить работу по формированию грамматических навыков. Тренировать учащихся в умении использовать в речи Present Simple, Present Progressive. Тренировать учащихся в умении использовать в речи Present Simple, Present Progressive. Активизировать изученную лексику. Активизировать изученную лексику. Формировать умения письменной речи. Формировать умения письменной речи. Развивать навыки монологической, диалогической речи: выражать свое мнение, обосновывая его с помощью двух-трех фраз. Развивать навыки монологической, диалогической речи: выражать свое мнение, обосновывая его с помощью двух-трех фраз. Развивать аддитивные умения и навыки. Развивать аддитивные умения и навыки.
5 Repeat after me! 1. There is no place like home. 2. East or West home is best. 3. My home is my castle. 4. There is no smoke without fire. 5. Clothes make a man. 6. It is raining cats and dogs.
6 Present Progressive To be +V +ing To be = is, am, are I am reading
7 Спряжение глагола to be 1. I am1. We are 2. You are 3. He is She is It is 3. They are
8 Present Progressive ? Am/is/are ? Am/is/are V ing? Is he going to school?
9 Present Progressive - am/is/are not V ing Is she reading now? No, she isnt. She is not reading at the moment. She is listening to music.
10 Present Simple V1, Vs(es) I go to school. He goes to school.
11 Present Simple ? Do/does ? Do/does V1 ? Does she read? Do you go to school?
12 Present Simple - do/does not V1. I dont go to school. She does not read.
13 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Progressive and the Present Simple (help) She She (help) She She (play) He He (play) He He (cry) I I (cry) I I (sleep) It It (sleep) It It (swim) We We (swim) We We (work) It It (work) It It (run) They They (run) They They (cut) I I (cut) I I (skate) Ann Ann (skate) Ann Ann (write) The boys The boys (write) The boys The boys
14 Write sentences, use this words A letter A letter A football match A football match The film The film A doll A doll Her dress Her dress Juice Juice Cut Cut Drink Drink Read Read Swim Swim Look Look Draw Draw
15 Present Progressive Answer the questions! Is Karlson giving an interview?
16 Present Progressive Where are the little ducks sitting?
17 Present Progressive Why are the friends laughing? Why are the friends laughing?
18 Present Progressive What is the dolphin doing? What is the dolphin doing?
19 Present Progressive Who is listening to music? Who is listening to music?
20 Present Progressive Are the babies sleeping or crying? Are the babies sleeping or crying?
21 Look at the pictures and say what do the heroes usually do? Fly, eat, laugh, swim, dance, sleep
22 Find Present Progressive sentences! Translate! 1. There is no place like home. 2. East or West home is best. 3. My home is my castle. 4. There is no smoke without fire. 5. Clothes make a man. 6. It is raining cats and dogs.
23 Correct each sentence! They are usually wearing coats in winter. They are usually wearing coats in winter. She is wear a beautiful dress now. She is wear a beautiful dress now. She usually wear gloves in winter. She usually wear gloves in winter. Do you wearing a red shirt now? Do you wearing a red shirt now? What are you usually doing on Sunday? What are you usually doing on Sunday? What do you do now? What do you do now?
24 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. Mother: Mother: Is John doing his homework? Is John doing his homework? Is Dad working in the garden? Is Dad working in the garden? Is Nancy playing the violin? Is Nancy playing the violin? Is the dog sleeping? Is the dog sleeping? Is grandma knitting? Is grandma knitting? Is grandpa watching a football match? Is grandpa watching a football match?
25 Answer the questions. At what oclock do you usually wake up in the morning? At what oclock do you usually wake up in the morning? Do you do morning exercises? Do you do morning exercises? Do you wash you face with cold water? Do you wash you face with cold water? Do you brush your teeth? Do you brush your teeth? Do you have breakfast? Do you have breakfast? What do you usually have for breakfast? What do you usually have for breakfast?
26 Работа в сети Интернет Выйдите в Интернет по адресу: Выйдите в Интернет по адресу: Выполните тест Present Simple questions Do or Does Your score Без ошибок 1-2 ошибки 3-5 ошибок Более 5 Your mark МОЛОДЕЦ!ХОРОШО!ЛУЧШЕ ИЗУЧИ ГРММАТИ- ЧЕСКИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ! ОБРАТИСЬ ЗА КОНСУЛЬ- ТАЦИЕЙ К УЧИТЕЛЮ! Поставьте себе оценку:
27 Homework Повторить грамматический материал: Повторить грамматический материал: Present Simple Present Simple Present Progressive Present Progressive
28 Thank you for the lesson! Thank you for the lesson!
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