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1 © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary © Wind River Systems, released under EPL 1.0. All logos are TM of their respective companies. Component Based Launching (Launch Actions) Work in Progress at Wind River
2 2 © Wind River Systems, released under EPL 1.0. All logos are TM of their respective companies. Background When working with devices, Launching involves a number of actions E.g. Connect, Load modules via JTAG, configure hardware, attach debugger E.g. load software and test data to a distributed set of computers, then start the distributed application on a number of hosts E.g. start gdbserver on remote target through ssh, download executable via FTP, then connect gdb to gdbserver Build-before-launch can also be modeled as a Launch Component, allowing to separate tool-specific code (build) from target-specific code Actions should be intelligent, e.g. avoid downloading data again when it is already present at the target There is a need for scripts to execute such complex launches It should be possible to assemble scripts by UI, and by editing text
3 3 © Wind River Systems, released under EPL 1.0. All logos are TM of their respective companies. What is a Launch Component? Launch Action Delegate: execute the action on a given target The delegate is associated with a particular type of connection One action (e.g. Download) might have delegates for multiple different types of connection. This makes sense as long as configuration of the action is the same on all connections. The delegate may check target state (precondition, postcondition) to see if it can / needs to be actually executed (e.g. avoid re-download) Launch Action UI: configure properties of the action Properties can also be set programmatically Persist as Text Write action configuration to a String that can be used in a text-based script Restore from Text Parse a string (from a script) to restore action configuration
4 4 © Wind River Systems, released under EPL 1.0. All logos are TM of their respective companies. Launch Sequencer A Generic Launch Configuration Launch Components (registered by extension point) are assembled into a list of actions. Each Action operates on one selected node (context) from the RSE Target Tree: Connection, Subsystem, Core, Process, Task… The Launch has a notion of Current Context (e.g. current connection). Actions that create a new context set it as the new current context. By UI, only a simple (linear) list of actions is possible. Future: the script can be edited in order to allow conditionals based on target state, loops and parallel execution In addition to the global target state, the Sequencer maintains a Launching State (property map). Actions can set and query properties in the Launching State.
5 5 © Wind River Systems, released under EPL 1.0. All logos are TM of their respective companies. Custom Launches The Generic Launch is flexible, but hard to configure. Custom Launches can provide a Launch Configuration UI for special applications, as we all know it. Actual Execution of the Launch is done through the registered Launch Actions (hard-coded sequence). Action Configuration is set programmatically from the Launch Configuration UI. Duplication of code for multiple similar launches is avoided.
6 6 © Wind River Systems, released under EPL 1.0. All logos are TM of their respective companies. Questions / Discussion What sort of scripts to use? Simple text like shellscripts, e.g. download –verify ${project_loc}/myFile.out Integration e.g. through Jython act = DownloadAction( ${project_loc}/myFile.out ) act.SetProperty( verify, true ) act.execute( ${current_target} )
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