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1 Holidays in the UK Done by Vobliy Gleb Group 133
2 Content: «The Up – Helly - Aa holiday». «The Chap Olympiad». «The Pancake day». «The Guy Fawkes' night».
3 «The Up – Helly - Aa holiday». This holiday selebrates on the 31 of January. This event has the biggest fire show in the whole Europe.
4 «The Up – Helly - Aa holiday». People dressed to Vikings and bring the ship to the water. Ship has a big dragon on the bow.
5 «The Up – Helly - Aa holiday». Members of this holiday throw near 900 burning torch on the ship. This amazing show is unique in the whole World.
6 «The Chap Olympiad». This event is very annual and held in July in London. This event became more and more popular and in this year the event continues over 2 days!
7 «The Chap Olympiad». Some of the unusualsports include: a lot of interesting competitions such us Three Trousered Limbo, Cucumber Sandwich Discus and Pipe Smokers Relay.
8 «The Chap Olympiad». You can expect to see competitors of all ages, abilities, and persuasions. And At the end of the games the winners are awarded their prizes.
9 «The Chap Olympiad».
10 «The Pancake day». This holiday always celebrated in 12 of February.
11 «The Pancake day». This holiday dates back to the 1445 year. Priest will present a prayer-book to the winner.
12 «The Pancake day». You should run and pop your pancakes on your pan its the main rule. The holiday started with the second church-bells.
13 «The Pancake day». You can see competitors of all ages, professions, interests everyone can take part in this fun. Always competitors dress in pinner with hat and scarf, but scarf should be on the head.
14 «The Guy Fawkes' night».» Date of birth 13 of April Date of death 31 of January 1606.
15 «The Guy Fawkes' night».» He was and English noble and a catholic. After the exlplode he must run out the country.
16 «The Guy Fawkes' night».» He was found by guards. He jumped himself and broke his neck.
17 «The Guy Fawkes' night»» Alot of fires and bonfires and people always burn his dummy in fire. People celebrated the failure of the plot.
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