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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемИлья Ячнев
1 How to write business letters Authors: a group of students of 9 B form Rasskazovo, 2007
2 The purposes of the investigation: to study the peculiarities of a business letter, to understand the structure of a business letter, to analize the vocabulary of a business letter.
3 The gypothesis If you dont know how to write business letters you wont be able to run your business successfully
4 Procedure 1. Read some letters and choose the expressions of greeting and complimentary close 2. Analize the structure of these letters and try to formulate the steps of writing letters 3. Think and formulate the rules of writing business letters
5 I. Title 1. Messrs means Gentlemen, sirs (used in the address before the name of the firm). 2. Note: a limited company must not be given the title of Messrs II. Greeting The normal form of greeting in the letters addressed to organisations is Dear Sirs. Dear Mr.Smith has tended to replace Dear Sir III. How to sign letters The ending Yours faithfully is used after Dear Sir. The ending Yours sincerely is used after Dear Mr.Smith. Follow with the name of the company, the name of the person and his position. If the letter is written on behalf of someone but not signed by him it is written for the Sales Manager or for Chief Engineer, and so on.
6 The structure of a business letter 1. Title 2. Address 3. Date 4. Greeting 5. Reference 6. Complimentary Close 7. Sign, position, department 8. Sending initials 9. Enclosing 10. Copies
7 Rules of writing a business letter 1. Make clear the purpose why the letter is being written 2. Express your ideas in short sentences 3. Use words everybody understands 4. Avoid unnecessary words and phrases 5. Do not use shortenings
8 Conclusion It is very important to write business letters correctly because your success in business depends on how people understand your wishes and needs. Your first letter is an impression you make on your new partner. To be successful in business one must make contacts in the written form in a right way. A correct letter makes a wise head (vs. A still tongue makes a wise head)
9 Information resources: 1. A. M. Semyonova. Elective course English for business communication 2. I.S. Bogatsky English business course. Slavyansky dom knigi. – Moscow, L.V. Sanikova English for managers. Metod,
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