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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемТамара Ахрамеева
3 Bb Dd
9 Red Orange Yellow Green Light blue Blue Purple
11 Text A This is a brown bear. It is an English bear. Its name is Winnie-the-Pooh. It is little and fat. The bear likes honey and jam. This bear is very good and funny. Text B This is a Little Red Riding Hood. She has got a mother and a grandmother. Now her Granny is ill. The girl has got flowers and a yellow bag in her hands. She is a nice girl.
13 A big black bug Bit a big black bear, A big black bear Bit a big black bug.
15 a monkeya mouse
18 1. The first day of the week (6). 2. The colour of the sun (6). 3. You drink this when you are thirsty (5). 4. Move quickly (3). 5. The month that follows October (8). 6. A bright colour (3). 7. A domestic animal (3). 8. You grow flowers in your … (6). 9. Eight plus one is … (4). 10. A very big animal (8). 11. A spring red flower (5). 12. Boys and girls at school are … (6).
20 Our congratulations to the winners!
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