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1 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-1 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation SECTION 5 MSC.PATRAN GEOMETRY APPLICATION (PART I)
2 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-2 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
3 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-3 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation GEOMETRY FORM ANATOMY l The strategy behind working with the geometry form: l Set an objective, such as creating a point l Provide the details associated with creating the entity using the specified method
4 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-4 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation SELECT MENU l Provides an entity selection filter l Cursor placed in list box displays select menu l Select menu icons filter entity selection l Selections available depend on what is being done, e.g. create a point using the XYZ method l Visible Entities option allows screen picking of only the entities that can be seen as if it were a hidden line plot
5 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-5 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation GEOMETRIC ENTITIES - POINT
6 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-6 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
7 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-7 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation SELECT MENU l Click on an icon to select it and it appears in reverse video l Icons are described in Users Manual, Part 1, Section 3.2 l Select Menus are usually vertically formatted Selecting Points General Pick Pick any FEM node Pick a point on a curve closest to an off-curve point Pick the intersection of a curve with a surface Pick any screen position Visible entities Pick any point Pick the intersection of 2 curves Pick the vertex of a curve, surface, or solid Pick a screen position on a surface
8 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-8 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation POINT CREATE Method Comment XYZCreate a point from cartesian coordinates; [x y z] l Arc CenterCreate a point at the center of curvature l ExtractCreate a point on an existing curve or edge at specified parametric location l InterpolateCreate N points of uniform/non-uniform spacing between specified points location l IntersectCreate a point at the intersection of two curves or edges l OffsetCreate a point on a curve/edge at an offset distance from the specified point on the curve/edge l PierceCreate a piercing point between a curve and a surface l ProjectProject a point onto a surface/face through a defined vector
9 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-9 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation POINT SHOW MethodComment l LocationShow a point location in a specified coordinate frame l DistanceShow distance between two points l NodeShow nodes associated with selected points
10 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-10 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation GEOMETRY TRANSFORM MethodComment l TranslateTranslate entity through a specified vector l RotateRotate entity about a defined axis through a given angle l ScaleUse a multiplicative factor applied to individual coordinate l MirrorCreate a mirror image of entity across a defined plane l McoordTransform entity in one coordinate frame into another with same relative position l PivotTransform entity within a plane defined by a pivot and two end points l PositionEntity transformed to a set of destination-position-points will maintain its relative position to a set of original-position-points l VsumVector sum of the coordinate locations of two sets of existing entities to create a new entity l MScaleExisting entity is simultaneously moved, scaled, rotated and/or warped to a new position * Transform operations for geometry types point, curve, surface and solid
11 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-11 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation POINT ASSOCIATE/DISASSOCIATE l Associated points are used to guide the meshers l Points can be associated with curve and surface type geometry l It is only possible to associate points to curves or surfaces which are within the global model tolerance of the points l Only the Paver uses associated points interior to surfaces
12 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-12 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
13 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-13 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation GEOMETRIC ENTITIES - CURVE
14 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-14 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
15 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-15 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation SELECT MENU Selecting Curves l Click on an icon to select it Pick the edge of a surface or solid Define a segment of a curve Pick any curve Define a curve by specifying two points Define a curve at the intersection of 2 surfaces
16 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-16 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation CURVE CONSTRUCT MethodComment l PointCreate a curve between 2, 3 or 4 points l Arc 3 PointCreate an arc through 3 points l ChainForm a composite curve from existing curves that are connected end to end and form a closed loop l ConicGenerate a curve in the form of a parabola, hyperbola or ellipse l ExtractCreate curves on surfaces or faces at specified parametric location or edge l FilletA fillet arc is created between two curves or edges l FitUse parametric least squares approximation to fit curve through two or more points l IntersectCreate a curve at the intersection of two surfaces or faces
17 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-17 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation CURVE CONSTRUCT (Cont.) MethodComment l ManifoldCreate a curve on a surface or face between 2 or more points on the surface l NormalCreate the shortest line between a curve and a point l ProjectProject a curve onto a surface with option of specifying the projection vector l PWLCreate piecewise linear curves between a set of points l SplineCreate a curve between a set of points. Maintains first derivative continuity at the constituent points l Tangent CurveCreate a cure that is tangent to two existing curves or edges l Tangent PointCreate a curve tangent to an existing curve that goes through a point on the curve l XYZDefine a curve based on an origin and a vector
18 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-18 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation CURVE CONSTRUCT (Cont.) MethodComment l InvoluteUseful in creating gear tooth profiles l RevolveRevolve a point about a specified axis to create a curve l 2D NormalCreate a curve in a specified plane that is perpendicular to another curve l 2D CircleCreate a circle in a specified plane l 2D ArcAnglesCreate an arc in specified plane starting and ending at given angles l 2D Arc2PointCreate an arc between two points and a specified center or radius l 2DArc3PointCreate an arc between three points and a specified center or radius
19 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-19 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation CREATE/CURVE/CHAIN l Create a composite curve from two or more existing curves or edges l It retains exactly all the information of the constituent curves l To create simple or general trimmed surfaces, the existing curves or edges must be connected end to end and form a closed loop BeforeAfter
20 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-20 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation CURVE EDIT MethodComment l BreakBreak a curve/edge at locations defined by either a point or parametric location l BlendCombine two or more existing curves/edges by enforcing first derivative continuity across the boundaries l DisassembleDisassemble a chained curve l ExtendExtend a curve using specific guidelines l MergeTwo or more curves/edges can be merged. The shape of the new curve will preserve the original curves within a specified tolerance. l RefitFit existing curves into a piecewise cubic curve l ReverseReverse the parametric direction l TrimTrim a curve at specified location along the curve
21 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-21 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation EDIT/CURVE/BREAK Parametric Position l Creates two curves by breaking an original curve or edge at a parametric position along the curve between 0.0 and 1.0 Point 21 is created at parametric 0.4 position along u (or c1) direction Trimmed Surface 3 Edge 7
22 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-22 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
23 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-23 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
24 PAT312, Section 5, December 2006 S5-24 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
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