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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемВалерия Чегодаева
1 Copyright by Hyundai Motor Company. All rights reserved. ESP (Bosch 8)
2 2 FD - ESP The ESP components : 1. HECU 2. Wheel speed sensors 3. Torque sensor – Steering Angle Sensor (with MDPS) 4. Yaw rate sensor 5. Communication with engine management ESP HECU Yaw Rate Sensor Torque Sensor (Steering Angle Sensor)
3 3 FD - ESP Parts Number K H000 Shape ApplicationNF, TG, CM, HDFD Out SignalAnalog SignalCAN Signal Pin No 1 : Power Supply 2 : Yaw rate sensor test 3 : Yaw rate sensor reference 4 : Ground 5: Lateral ACC 6 : Yaw rate sensor signal 1 : Power supply 2 : CAN High 3 : CAN Low 4 : Ground Yaw Rate Sensor
4 Copyright by Hyundai Motor Company. All rights reserved. ESP (Bosch 8) Troubleshooting ESP (Bosch 8) Troubleshooting
5 5 FD - ESP Failure FunctionLamp EBDABSESPEBDABSESP OFF ECU Power line openXXXOOX Cluster connector is disconnectedOOOOOX Lateral acceleration sensorOOXXXO Yaw rate sensorOOXXXO CAN time-outOOXXXO Pressure sensorKeep aliveXXXOO ECU failureXXXOOO Implausible controlKeep aliveXXXOO MDPS diagnostic mode activeOOXXXO MDPSOOXXXO Return pumpKeep aliveXXOOO Soft under voltageKeep aliveXXXOO Hard under voltage, Over voltageXXXOOO Valve errorXXXOOO Valve relayXXXOOO Variant coding errorXXXOOO One or two Wheel speed sensorKeep aliveXXXOO Three or four Wheel speed sensorXXXOOO
6 6 FD - ESP Symptom Cant diagnostic communication between Hi-scanner and ABS/ESP. (ABS/ESP doesnt respond) ABS: EBD warning lamp on, ABS warning lamp on ESP: EBD warning lamp on, ABS warning lamp on, ESP off lamp off Expected fault cause: ECU Power line open/short, Bad grounding, Melted 10A fuse, Faulty HECU Fault diagnosis method 1) Check for 10A fuse melt 2) ECU power line open/short check 3) ABS/ESP connector mating check 4) GND wiring check
7 7 FD - ESP Symptom DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : None. ABS: EBD warning lamp on, ABS warning lamp on. ESP: EBD warning lamp on, ABS warning lamp on, ESP off lamp off. Expected fault cause: Faulty cluster connection. Fault diagnosis method 1) Check for Cluster connector mating and wiring.
8 8 FD - ESP DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : C1213(WSS frequency error) During operation, WSS (Wheel Speed Sensor) is monitored for abnormality and if concluded to be faulty then all system shutdown. (It is found during vehicle operation) Expected fault cause : Faulty WSS installation, Faulty Tone wheel, Faulty WSS. Fault diagnosis method 1) Check WSS Installation (Air-gap etc.) 2) Tone wheel installation: Check the tone wheel installation and check tone wheel teeth. 3) If 1) and 2) are found to be normal then WSS is probably faulty.
9 9 FD - ESP DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : C1605(CAN hardware error) CAN hardware within ECU is monitored and if concluded to be faulty, ESP system shutdown in the ESP system. Expected fault cause: Faulty CAN hardware. Fault diagnosis method 1) Clear DTC. If this fault is happened again, replace HECU.
10 10 FD - ESP DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : C1611(CAN timeout EMS, only ESP) CAN signal on the EMS side (for ESP control) is monitored and if faulty signal is sent or no signal at all, then ESP system shutdown. Expected fault cause: Faulty EMS installation or module, Faulty CAN bus, Faulty Air flow sensor or throttle position sensor, Faulty CAN resistance (60). Fault diagnosis method 1) Check EMS installation. 2) Check CAN resistance value(60) at ignition off. 3) Check air flow sensor, throttle position sensor. 4) Check CAN bus status.
11 11 FD - ESP DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : C1612(CAN timeout TCU, only ESP) CAN signal on the TCU side (for ESP control) is monitored and if faulty signal is sent or no signal at all, then ESP system shutdown. Expected fault cause: Faulty TCU installation or module, Faulty CAN bus, Faulty CAN resistance (60). Fault diagnosis method 1) Check TCU installation. 2) Check CAN resistance value(60) at ignition off. 3) Check CAN bus status.
12 12 FD - ESP DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : C1623(CAN timeout Steering Angle Sensor, only ESP) CAN signal on the Steering Angle Sensor is monitored and if faulty signal is sent or no signal at all, then ESP system shutdown. Expected fault cause: Faulty MDPS SAS wiring or MDPS module, Faulty CAN bus, Faulty CAN resistance (60). Fault diagnosis method 1) Check S.A.S wiring, connector mating. 2) Check MDPS fuse. 3) Check for terminals (gaping, bent). 4) Check CAN resistance value(60) at ignition off. 5) Check CAN bus status.
13 13 FD - ESP DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : C1643(CAN timeout Yaw Rate Sensor, only ESP) CAN signal on the Yaw Rate Sensor is monitored and if faulty signal is sent or no signal at all, then ESP system shutdown. Expected fault cause: Faulty YRS wiring or module, Faulty CAN bus, Faulty CAN resistance (60). Fault diagnosis method 1) Check YRS wiring, connector mating. 2) Check for terminals (gaping, bent). 3) Check CAN bus status. 4) Check CAN resistance value(60) at ignition off.
14 14 FD - ESP DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : C1283(Yaw & G sensor signal error, only ESP) Yaw & G sensor is monitored for abnormal signals and if found abnormal, then ESP system shutdown. Expected fault cause : Wrong installation of Yaw & G sensor, Yaw & G sensor test line open/short, Faulty sensor. Fault diagnosis method 1) Check installation of Yaw & G sensor. 2) Check Lateral G and Yaw rate signal with a scan-tool when vehicle in horizontal position and standstill. - Lateral G: under ±0.11g - Yaw rate: under ±4deg/s
15 15 FD - ESP DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : C1260(Steering Angle Sensor signal error, only ESP) MDPS SAS is monitored for abnormal signal and if concluded to be faulty, then ESP system shutdown. Expected fault cause: Faulty MDPS SAS zero point, Faulty MDPS SAS. Fault diagnosis method 1) Verify zero point. Steering angle (steering wheel with wheels in straight position): under ±5deg. If steering angle is over ±5deg, operator must calibrate (zero position) MDPS SAS. 2) Check SAS Angle signal by CAN or scan-tool.
16 16 FD - ESP DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) : C1261(Steering Angle Sensor not calibrated, only ESP) If SAS is found to have a faulty zero point, then ESP system shutdown. Expected fault cause: Faulty MDPS SAS zero point. Fault diagnosis method 1) Verify zero point. - Turn the Steering wheel clockwise one rotation and counterclockwise two rotation.
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