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1 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Sketcher CATIA Training Exercises Version 5 Release 8 January 2002 EDU-CAT-E-SKE-FX-V5R8
2 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Table of Contents 1. Sketching Simple Profiles : Recap Exercisep.3 2. Sketching Pre-Defined Profiles : Recap Exercisep.6 3. Editing Profiles : Recap Exercisep.8 4. Operations on Profiles : Recap Exercise p Setting Constraints : Recap Exercise I p Setting Constraints : Recap Exercise II p Managing Sketches : Recap Exercise p Master Exercise: Gasket Presentationp Master Exercise: Gasket (Step 1)p Master Exercise: Gasket (Step 2) p Master Exercise: Gasket (Step 3) p Master Exercise: Gasket (Step 4) p Master Exercise: Gasket (Step 5) p Master Exercise: Gasket (Step 6) p.35
3 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Sketching Simple Profiles: Recap Exercise Create a simple profile made up of Lines, a Spline, an Arc, and an Axis Extra Credit : Create a solid of revolution from your profile and shell it 5 min.
4 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (1/2) Sketching Simple Profiles 1- Lines 2- Spline 3- Arc 4- Axis Pt5
5 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Lines 2- Spline 3- Arc 4- Axis Load: CATSKE_Ex_Recap_Sketching_Simple_Profile.CATPart Do It Yourself (2/2) Sketching Simple Profiles
6 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Sketching Pre-Defined Profiles Recap Exercise Create two Pre-Defined profiles - a Hexagon and a Keyhole Extra Credit : Extrude a solid Pad from your profile Create two Pre-Defined profiles - a Hexagon and a Keyhole Extra Credit : Extrude a solid Pad from your profile 10 min.
7 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself Create these profiles by freehand Optional: Please check with your Instructor if you have any questions on how to create a pad from your profile Pt1 Load: CATSKE_Ex_Recap_Sketching_Predefined_Profiles.CATPart
8 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Editing Profiles : Recap Exercise Create a Rectangle Modify the rectangular profile Surfaces 10 min.
9 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself Create these profiles by freehand 1- Create the Rectangle 2- Modify the length and width of the rectangle by dragging lines 3- Modify the entire shape of the rectangle by dragging its endpoints Pt1 Load: CATSKE_Ex_Recap_Editing_Profile.CATPart
10 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Operations on Profiles : Recap Exercise Design in Context Project 3D Elements into your Sketch Trim your profile with Corners and Chamfers Surfaces 15 min.
11 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself In order to get into your Sketch plane: Select the Sketcher Icon and the plane 1- Project the Splines from the Supports 2- Draw two horizontal lines passing through the projected Splines then trim them using the Corner and Chamfer tools 3- Optional: Extrude a Pad using your profile Pt1 Load: CATSKE_Ex_Recap_Operations_On_Profiles.CATPart
12 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Setting Constraints : Recap Exercise I Create constraints and dimension between the sketch and 3D geometry 15 min.
13 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself Make the circle in your Sketch concentric to the cylinder on the Male part. Put a dimension on the circle. Dimension the rectangular profile with respect to the faces on the Male part Optional: Create the Female Pad from your profile Pt5 Pt1 Load: CATSKE_Ex_Recap_Setting_Constraints_1.CATPart
14 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Setting Constraints : Recap Exercise II Study a mechanism using the Sketchers Animate Constraint tool Wireframe Surfaces 15 min.
15 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself Make the 62 degree angle vary from 62 to - 62 to study the constraints existing between the different geometrical elements Pt5 Pt1 Load: CATSKE_Ex_Recap_Setting_Constraints_2.CATPart
16 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Managing Sketches : Recap Exercise Create an Angled Plane Change the Sketch Support of the part to this new plane Surfaces 10 min.
17 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself 1- Create a plane at 45 Degrees to the XY plane using the line provided 2- Change the Sketch Support for Sketch.1 to this new plane Pt1 Load: CATSKE_Ex_Recap_Managing_Sketches.CATPart
18 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Gasket: Presentation In this exercise you will have the chance to try out various tools for Sketching and Constraining by designing a profile for a Gasket. You will test the integrity of your Sketch by extruding the solid Gasket using the Pad tool from the Part Design Workbench Finally, you will see how easy it is to modify a sketch 55 min. Master Exercise
19 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Design Intent: Gasket A Gasket is a part used to make a joint fluid tight. It can be made of rubber, foam, or other industrial polymers that conform to the contours of adjacent parts thus providing an airtight or liquid tight seal between the parts.
20 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Design Process: Gasket Step 6: Replacing the Sketch Sketching Pre-Defined Profiles Editing Profiles Performing a Symmetry Fully Constrain the Gasket Sketching Simple Profiles
21 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Master Exercise Gasket (Step 1) - Sketching Simple Profiles In this step you will: Set up the Sketching Mode Use Simple Profile tools to sketch half of the Gasket 10 min.
22 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (1/2) Sketch the profile shown on the right. The outer profile should be sketched with one use of the Profile tool. The Sketching mode should be set so that only Horizontality, Verticality, and Tangency Constraints are automatically created. Place the circles roughly as shown. Turn off the automatic creation of Constraints and Dimensions when sketching the circles. Load: CATSKE_Ex_Master_Step1.CATPart
23 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (2/2) Hints: Go to Tools/Options/Part/Sketcher (in the Menubar) to set Grid Auto detection parameters Switch Sketching mode in the Tools toolbar
24 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Master Exercise Gasket (Step 2) - Sketching Pre-Defined Profiles In this step you will: Add a slot on the Gasket 5 min.
25 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself Sketch the slot in the location shown on the right using a Pre- Defined Profile tool. Set the sketching mode to automatically create Horizontality, Verticality, and Tangency constraints Save your model for the next step Load: CATSKE_Ex_Master_Step2.CATPart
26 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Master Exercise Gasket (Step 3) - Editing Profiles In this step you will: Edit the slot on the Gasket 5 min.
27 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself Change the center of the top arc on the slot to H=0 and V=20 Change the center of the bottom arc on the slot to H=0 and V=-20 Save your model for the next step Load: CATSKE_Ex_Master_Step3.CATPart
28 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Master Exercise Gasket (Step 4) - Performing a Symmetry In this step you will: Create the symmetrical elements of the Gasket 10 min.
29 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself Perform a symmetry operation on the outer profile and the two circles (Refer to previous page) in one step. Use AutoSearch to select the outer profile then use the CTRL key to select the two circles Automatically create Symmetry Constraints (Hint: Turn on Dimensional Constraints Mode) Use the Search tool under Edit in the Menubar to select all the Symmetry Constraints and No- Show them. Save your model for the next step Load: CATSKE_Ex_Master_Step4.CATPart
30 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Master Exercise Gasket (Step 5) - Fully Constraining the Gasket In this step you will: Completely constrain the Gasket by using a combination of Geometric and Dimensional Constraints You will then create the actual solid Gasket using the Pad tool from the Part Design Workbench. Successfully creating a Pad will also help verify that your Sketch was correctly defined. 20 min.
31 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (1/4) Create the Geometric and Dimensional Constraints shown on the next page. Create a Relation between the two 10 mm radius dimensions. Access the Pad tool in the Part Design Workbench and create a thickness of 5mm. for the Gasket. (Please check with the Instructor on where the Pad tool is located if you have trouble finding it) Save your model for the next step Load: CATSKE_Ex_Master_Step5.CATPart
32 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (2/4) Turn the page if you want Hints :
33 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (3/4) Hints: You dont have to constrain the left side of the Gasket because the geometry there is already constrained by the Symmetry Constraints (in No-Show). Put a Coincidence Constraint between the points that lie on top of one another where the right and left profiles meet. This is a Coincidence Constraint between the center of this corner and the lower horizontal line. These type of dimensions are all off the HV Axes (not the Symmetry Construction line of the Elongated Hole)
34 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (4/4) Result
35 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Master Exercise Gasket (Step 6) - Replacing the Sketch In this step you will: Modify the Gasket by replacing its Sketch with a new REV B Sketch 5 min.
36 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (1/2) Replace your original Sketch for the Gasket with the other sketch. Refer to next page for required result. Save your model for your own reference. Load: CATSKE_Ex_Master_Step6.CATPart
37 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Do It Yourself (2/2) END of GASKET exercise !
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