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1 PAT312, Section 20, December 2006 S20-1 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation SECTION 20 LISTS
2 PAT312, Section 20, December 2006 S20-2 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
3 PAT312, Section 20, December 2006 S20-3 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation LISTS OVERVIEW l Create list of entities based on given criterion l Lists can be used as input for various applications, such as Application Regions for element properties l Criteria for list creation are: l Association with other entities, such as Points, Edges, Elements, Groups, etc. l Attributes, such as location, results value, assigned properties l Lists are not stored in the database, but can be added to a Group
4 PAT312, Section 20, December 2006 S20-4 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation HOW TO CREATE A LIST Create List A Nodes at X = l Create List B l Elements Associated with Nodes in List A l When using a List as input, enclose the List name in back quotes (e.g. lista) Create Two Lists: List A: All Nodes at x = 18 (+ 1.0 Tolerance) List B: All Elements associated with those nodes
5 PAT312, Section 20, December 2006 S20-5 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation BOOLEAN OPERATIONS l Boolean operations are used to manipulate lists. l Intersection operation finds common items in both lists l Union combines items in both lists l Results of subtracting one list from another l Example: l Elements with a Von Mises stress result value > 20,000 and a temperature result value > 300
6 PAT312, Section 20, December 2006 S20-6 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation BOOLEAN EXAMPLE l Plot Von Mises stress l Create List A l Elements with a Von Mises stress result value greater than 20K
7 PAT312, Section 20, December 2006 S20-7 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation BOOLEAN EXAMPLE (Cont.) l Use Boolean Operation to create List C l Contents of List C are all elements at a temperature greater then 300 and Von Mises stress greater than 20,000 psi
8 PAT312, Section 20, December 2006 S20-8 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
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