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1 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Core & Cavity Design CATIA Training Foils Version 5 Release 8 March 2002 EDU-CAT-E-CCV-FF-V5R8 Illustration of the course
2 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Course Presentation Objectives of the course In this course you will learn how to use workbench Core & Cavity Design to create the Core and Cavity sides of a part, including sliders and loose cores, required for the design of a plastic injection mold. Targeted audience New Core & Cavity Design users Prerequisites CATIA V5 Fundamentals 0.5 day
3 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Table of Content (1/2) 1. Introduction to Core & Cavity Designp.5 Introductionp.6 Accessing the Workbenchp.7 User Interface Presentationp.8 Core & Cavity Design Functionsp.9 General Design Functions included p.10 User Settingsp.13 Core & Cavity Design : General Processp Importing the Part to moldp.15 Selecting the Partp.16 Defining the Axis Systemp.17 Applying Shrinkagep.18 Additional Informationp Defining the Main Pulling Directionp.22 Defining the Main Pulling Directionp.23 Additional Informationp.29
4 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Table of Content (2/2) 4. Transferring Elementsp.31 Transferring Facesp.32 Additional Informationp Defining a Slider/Lifter Pulling Directionp.36 Defining a Slider/Lifter Pulling Directionp.37 Additional Informationp Splitting Elementsp.42 Splitting a face of a Mold areap Creating Parting/Addenda Surfacesp.46
5 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Introduction to Core & Cavity Design You will discover CATIA V5 Core & Cavity Design user interface and you will review the general process to create the parting surfaces required for the design of a mold. Introduction Accessing the Workbench User Interface Presentation Core & Cavity Design Functions General Design Functions included in the Workbench User Settings Core & Cavity Design : General Process Description
6 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Introduction The scope of workbench Core & Cavity Design is to provide the mold designer will all the necessary functions to create the surfaces (Core, Cavity, Moving elements) required to create his mold tool. Workbench Core & Cavity Design is not intended to offer tools to repair the Design Part if its geometrical or topological quality is not adequate (e.g. on Parts imported via IGES). Such repair tasks should be carried out prior to designing Core & Cavity surfaces, for example with workbench Generative Shape Design.
7 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Accessing the Workbench Workbench Core & Cavity Design (CCV) is a member of the family of Mechanical Design applications :
8 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES User Interface Presentation CCV Tools Standard Tools Once inside workbench Core and Cavity Design, you have access to : Dedicated Core & Cavity Design tools General Wireframe and Surface Design tools Standard tools General Wireframe and Surface Design Tools
9 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Core & Cavity Design Functions Import MoldedPart Pulling Direction Transfer… Split… Dedicated Core & Cavity Design functions : Draft Pulling Direction Draft Slider Lifter
10 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES General Design Functions (1/3) General Wireframe and Surface Design functions : These functions are the same as those present in workbenches Wireframe and Surface Design and Generative Shape Design. Sketcher Points Create a line Create a plane Connect Curve Create a curve Boundary Reflect Line Create a Point Points and Planes Repetition Extremum
11 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES General Design Functions (2/3) General Wireframe and Surface Design functions : These functions are the same as those present in workbenches Wireframe and Surface Design and Generative Shape Design. Project a point or a curve Create a parallel curve Join Split/Trim Extract a face or a surface edge Edge Fillet Split Trim
12 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES General Design Functions (3/3) General Wireframe and Surface Design functions : These functions are the same as those present in workbenches Wireframe and Surface Design and Generative Shape Design. Fill Extrude Sweep Loft Extrapolate
13 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES User Settings There is no specific settings for workbench Core & Cavity Design There is no specific recommendation on general settings
14 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Core & Cavity Design : General Process Import Design Part Define Main Pulling Direction Define Additional Pulling Directions Create outer Parting/Addenda surfaces Molded Part ready for Mold Tool Design Refine design of Core & Cavity sides of the Part Refine design of Slider/Lifter surfaces
15 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Importing the Part to mold You will see how to create the Molded Part from the initial Design Part. Selecting the Part Defining the Axis System Applying Shrinkage
16 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Select the body to use. It can be a Body (Solid Part) or an Open_body (Surface Part). Importing the Part to mold : Selecting the Part You must first have an active Product in the 3D viewer. Select the file name of the Part Click icon Import Molded Part If there are several surfaces in the selected Open_body, you must then pick the surface to import. 4
17 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Importing the Part to mold : Defining the Axis System You must define the axis system that will be used to position the Part when you import it. It can be : Bounding box center : the center of the bounding box of the Part to import Center of gravity : the center of gravity of the Part to import Coordinates : You can define an axis system by entering an origin, then the application will create an axis system parallel to the main axis system. Local Axis System : the current active Local Axis System in the Part to import
18 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Importing the Part to mold : Applying Shrinkage The shrinkage that will be applied to the plastic part can be defined in one of the following ways : Scaling : You must define the ratio value. The center of the scaling operation will be the origin of the axis system selected previously. Affinity : You must define a ratio value for each of the three axes of the axis system selected previously.
19 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Importing the Part to mold : Additional Information (1/2) If the Part imported was originally a Solid Part, the Molded Part resulting from the Import operation will reference it as a Solid with link (associative), on which Scaling or Affinity operation will then be applied. Note that a Local Axis System has been created according to the option you had selected.
20 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Importing the Part to mold : Additional Information (2/2) If the Part imported was originally a Surface Part, the Molded Part resulting from the Import operation will first create a CloseSurface from it, on which Scaling or Affinity operation will then be applied. An associative link with the original surface is kept (External Reference). Note that a Local Axis System has been created according to the option you had selected.
21 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Presentation And now practice on Step 1 of the Master Exercise, to learn about : Selecting the Part to mold Defining the Axis System Defining the Shrinkage
22 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining the Main Pulling Direction You will see how to analyze the Part to define the optimum Main Pulling Direction (direction corresponding to the opening of the Mold Tool). Defining the Main Pulling Direction
23 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining the Main Pulling Direction (1/6) The direction resulting from the analysis performed will be used as the opening direction for the Mold Tool. The purpose of the operation is to identify the various areas in the Molded Part : The area of the Part which will correspond to the Cavity side in the Mold The area of the Part which will correspond to the Core side in the Mold The area(s) of the Part which will correspond to undercut region(s) for which a moving element (Slider or Loose Core) will have to be created in the Mold. For these elements, additional pulling direction(s) will have to be defined.
24 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining the Main Pulling Direction (2/6) Click icon Draft Pulling Direction 1 Note that the Compass has been automatically positioned onto the Local Axis System Pick anywhere on the part to select it 2 You can see that several regions have been identified in the Part (green, red, blue). The area of each region is computed and shown in the dialog box.
25 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining the Main Pulling Direction (3/6) The faces which are colored in green have the normal vectors of their facets parallel to the Z direction, within the range defined in parameter Draft angle in the dialog box. They will correspond to the Cavity Side. The faces which are colored in red have the normal vectors of their facets parallel to the opposite Z direction, also within the range of Draft angle. They will correspond to the Core Side. The faces which are colored in blue correspond to the remaining areas of the Part. Rework is necessary in order to determine : Undercut areas, requiring creation of a slider or lifter (note on the picture that the square and round holes on one extremity of the handle correspond to such a situation). Faces which will have to be transferred to another area (core, cavity, or slider/lifter) Faces which will have to be split and distributed between these other areas.
26 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining the Main Pulling Direction (4/6) When you rotate the compass along each direction, you see that the color analysis is instantly updated. You can then adjust it to find the optimum pulling direction. You can also define the Pulling axis direction by entering numerical X,Y,Z values instead of using the compass. You can also modify the value of the Draft angle. You can also : Revert the Z orientation of the compass by clicking button Reverse Go back to the original position of the compass by clicking button Reset Lock the current position of the compass by activating option Locked
27 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining the Main Pulling Direction (5/6) You can compute all or only some of the three regions, by selecting in the dialog box only the areas you wish. A face is painted in blue when at least one facet of its graphic tessellation is not clearly on Core side or on Cavity side (which means that the Parting Line is crossing it). If you activate option AutoSplit, the color display is then done for each facet, so you can identify which facets of a face belong to one side and which ones belong to the other. Therefore you can fine tune the analysis of the blue areas and split or redistribute faces in other areas using functions Transfer… or Split...
28 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining the Main Pulling Direction (6/6) As result of the operation, three new Open_body elements are created in the specification tree, each constituted of a Join feature containing the relevant faces : Open_body Core : Red faces Open_body Cavity : Green faces Open_body Other : Blue faces
29 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining the Main Pulling Direction : Additional Information Current limitation : The function considers only the normal vectors to the facets obtained by tessellating a face. It does not take into account cast shadows. The top face inside the square hole should not be red (i.e. identified as belonging to Core Side), since it obviously corresponds to an undercut area. This is the same for the rear face of this square hole, which should not be considered as green.
30 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Presentation And now practice on Step 2 of the Master Exercise, to learn about : Defining the Main Pulling Direction
31 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Transferring Elements You will see how to transfer faces from one Mold area to another in order to fine tune the definition of the Core, Cavity and Sliders/Lifters. Transferring Faces
32 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Transferring Faces (1/2) Click icon Transfer… 1 Pick in the 3D viewer the faces you want to transfer. You can predefine a default destination by using field Destination in the dialog box. 2
33 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Transferring Faces (2/2) You can edit individually the destination of a face by selecting it in the dialog box and choosing another destination in its contextual menu. You can achieve the same result by changing the default destination, selecting the face in the dialog box, then clicking button Modify Element. Depending on which option is active, the face can will be transferred (option Move) or duplicated (option Copy). 3 You can remove a face from the selection by selecting it in the dialog box and activating function Remove element in its contextual menu. You can achieve the same result by selecting it and picking button Remove Element. 4 After validating operation, the color of the faces is updated in accordance with the mold area they have been moved to. The content of the Join features in the specification tree is also updated.
34 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Transferring Faces : Additional Information Starting with V5R8 SP1, the faces selected during transfer will appear in the 3D viewer with the color of their target destination. For example, if you move a face from Other to Cavity, its color will change from blue to green when picked. In V5R8 GA, the color is changed only if you select button Apply in dialog box Transfer…, or once the operation has been validated by clicking OK. Starting with V5R8 SP1, an additional possibility is offered in action Transfer. When selecting with Shift+MB1 a face in the 3D viewer, the system will select not only the face picked, but also all faces which can be linked from it by point continuity. Starting with V5R8 SP2, an additional possibility is offered in action Transfer… When selecting a face with Ctrl+MB1, the system will select non only the face picked in the 3D viewer, but also all faces which can be linked from it by tangency continuity.
35 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Presentation And now practice on Step 3 of the Master Exercise, to learn about : Transferring faces between mold areas
36 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining a Slider/Lifter Pulling Direction You will see how to analyze the Part to define additional Pulling directions in the case of undercut areas. Defining a Slider/Lifter Pulling Direction
37 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining a Slider/Lifter Pulling Direction (1/3) If there are some undercut areas in the Molded Part, one or several other Pulling Directions need to be defined in addition to the Main Pulling Direction defined previously. Click icon Draft Slider Lifter 1 Note that the Compass has been automatically positioned onto the Local Axis System
38 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining a Slider/Lifter Pulling Direction (2/3) Position the compass according to the desired direction. You can also directly enter values in field Direction. 2 In this example, you can select the axis of the hole as pulling direction Pick the blue area on which you want to define the new direction. Adjust the direction if needed. Adjust Draft angle if needed. Use button Reverse if needed. 3
39 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining a Slider/Lifter Pulling Direction (3/3) Once the operation is validated, the green faces resulting from the additional direction analysis turn to yellow in the 3D viewer. They have been transferred to a new Join feature in a new Open_body named Slider/Lifter.1. An additional Axis System has also been created. 4 You can use operation Transfer… or Split… to refine the content of this new Surface. You can define other additional directions if needed. Other Open_body elements Slider/Lifter.n will then be created. 5
40 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Defining a Slider/Lifter Pulling Direction : Additional Information Starting with V5R8 SP2, an additional possibility is offered in action Draft Slider/Lifter. When selecting with Shift+MB1 a face in the 3D viewer, the system will select not only the face picked, but also all faces which can be linked from it by point continuity.
41 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Presentation And now practice on Step 4 of the Master Exercise, to learn about : Creating a Slider/Lifter Pulling Direction
42 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Splitting Elements You will see how to split a face and redistribute the resulting faces into different mold areas. Splitting a face of a mold area
43 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Splitting a face of a mold area (1/2) Define first the wireframe elements which will be used for splitting the face. You can use standard functions such as Line, etc. Note that the support geometry for these elements must be the Part itself, not the Join features resulting from the Pulling Directions operations, because it would lead to errors when performing the Split (loop situation). 1 Click icon Split… 2
44 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Splitting a face of a mold area (2/2) Select the face to split and select the splitting element. The two faces which will result from the effective split are highlighted with the color of their target destination. You can update it as desired in a similar way as in operation Transfer… (field Destination and button Change Destination). Button Switch Destination allows to switch the current destination areas between the two proposed Split elements. 3
45 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Exercise Presentation And now practice on Step 5 of the Master Exercise, to learn about : Splitting a face of a mold area
46 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES Creating Parting/Addenda Surfaces The Parting Surfaces (filling of functional holes, outer parting surfaces) necessary to split the Mold plates and Moving elements can be created using standard Surface design functions available in workbench Core & Cavity Design (Fill, Sweep, Extrude, etc.).
47 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES To Sum Up In this course you have seen : How to import the Part to mold How to define the Main Pulling Direction Transfer faces between mold areas Define an additional Pulling Direction Split mold area faces
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