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1 S5-1 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation SECTION 5 RESULTS TITLE EDITOR
2 S5-2 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation
3 S5-3 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation RESULTS TITLE EDITOR n In MSC.Patran 2004, a number of keywords have been created which can be used for results title creation. n MSC.Patran 2005 has a comprehensive graphical user interface to access the results variables. u Accessible from each Results Display Attributes form. u The user has the ability to interactively choose title variables. u Title content is previewed within the Title Editor form. u Variables can be re-organized and displayed to suit the users preference. u Additional content may be typed in to be displayed in the title.
4 S5-4 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation RESULTS TITLE FORM Sample Title Title Selection
5 S5-5 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation SAMPLE TITLE n Sample Title is displayed at the top of the Result Title Editor. u Names of variables to be displayed are listed in order. u Relative placement of variables is achieved by placing cursor at desired location and then selecting the content to be displayed.
6 S5-6 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation TITLE SELECTION n Title Variables section is used to select title content. u Show toggle controls the display of the information in each row. u Show Pre-Text/Show Post-Text toggles & data boxes control the display of any text entered in the corresponding Pre-text & post-text data boxes. l Pre and Post Text are enabled only if Show is selected for that row. l Commas and spaces may be entered to separate title variables. u New lines can added after variables with the New Line checkbox.
7 S5-7 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation RESULTS TITLE DEFAULTS n The Defaults button fills in the text fields with default descriptions. n The settings.pcl preference can be used to override the standard defaults. pref_env_set_string( "results_title_editor_defaults", "my_defaults" )
8 S5-8 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation PLOT OPTIONS FORM n The Lock Title checkbox ensures that the customized settings from the Title Editor will be applied to subsequent plots. u The selection and placement of the variables gets locked but the values of the variables are allowed to change. n Apply must be clicked on the Plot Options form to apply the modified title. u Apply may be clicked without closing the Title Editor form.
9 S5-9 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation EXERCISE Perform Workshop 3: Results Title Editor
10 S5-10 PAT328, Section 5, September 2004 Copyright 2004 MSC.Software Corporation
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