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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемВладислава Шмонина
1 Учитель МОУ СОШ 12 г. Новоалтайска Лукинец О.В.
2 The history of Altai is closely connected with the life and creative activity of many outstanding people and Vasiliy Shukshin is among them. He made a valuable contribution to the development of culture in Altai. He was born in 1929 in a small village Srostky, the Biysky region in Altai.
3 After finishing school he worked in a small collective farm. This work gave him the opportunity to get to know the life of common people. He began to write short stories in His books deal with morality. They give a detailed picture of many different peoples life in the countryside.
4 Vasiliy Shukshin is well known as a famous writer, film director and actor. His most famous books are Lyubaviny, Kalina Krasnaya, Fellow-countrymen and others. Many of his books have been filmed for television, such as Petchky-Lavochky, Kalina Krasnaya.
5 He produced many films, starred in such films as Two Fyodors, By the Lake, They fought for the Motherland, Kalina Krasnaya. He was awarded with the Lenin Prize for his work. At the beginning of the Shukshin Street there is a monument devoted to his 50 th jubilee.
6 The Pedestal has an inscription The monument to a fellow – countryman Vasiliy Shukshin, a well-known writer, actor and director was devoted to his 70 th jubilee and many celebrations were held to honour this great man!
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