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1 S23-1 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 SECTION 23 MSC.FATIGUE UTILITIES
2 S23-2 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005
3 S23-3 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 UTILITIES OVERVIEW n MSC.Fatigue has many utility modules, to help the users n 6 main categories of Utilities: u Fatigue Preprocessing Utilities u Material Management Utilities u Advance Loading Utilities u Graphical Display Utilities u File Conversion Utilities n A brief description of the most common Utilities is given here. For further details, see the following documents: u Quick Start Guide, MSC.Fatigue 2005 u Users Guide Volume 2, MSC.Fatigue 2005
4 S23-4 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 UTILITIES OVERVIEW (Contd.) n Utility Modules Names u Program names from nSoft have been prefixed with an additional m in MSC.Fatigue u Thus QLD (Quick Look Display) becomes mQLD etc. u This prevents any conflict between different installations of MSC.Fatigue and nSoft on the same machine. u The Quickstart Guide reflects this name change. However this summary and the MSC.Fatigue pull-down menus do not.
5 S23-5 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 ACCESSING MSC.Fatigue Utilities n GUI Access : The Utilities can be accessed from (MSC.Fatigue for MSC.Patran) Tools -> MSC.Fatigue pull down menu (MSC.Fatigue Standalone) Tools -> Fatigue Utilities pull down menu n System Prompt Access : The Utilities can be accessed by Typing the module names at the system prompt. For example, to invoke mqld (Quick Look Display), type: mqld
6 S23-6 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 LOADING UTILITIES n MSC.Fatigues main loading module is the Time History Manager (ptime). It includes the following data processing functions : u ASCII File Input u Waveform creation u Block Cycle Definition u Rainflow Cycle Counting u Polynomial Data Transformation u Data Display Tools
7 S23-7 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Time History Manipulation Tools n Arithmetic Manipulation (ART) n Spreadsheet Multichannel Editor (COE) n Edit, Extract & Join Data (LEN) n Combine Multiple Channels (MFM) n User defined formulae (FRM) n Multiple File Peak Valley Extraction (PVXMUL) n Simultaneous Value Analysis on Multiple Channels (SIMMAX) n Graphical Data Editor (GED)
8 S23-8 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 MATHEMATICAL MANIPULATION OF DATA - ART
9 S23-9 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 SPREADSHEET MULTICHANNEL EDITOR - COE
10 S23-10 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 EDIT, EXTRACT & JOIN DATA - LEN
11 S23-11 PAT318, Section 23, March rear g2(g) A04. DAC secs rear g2(g) 3A04. DAC secs Screen 1 COMBINE MULTIPLE CHANNELS - MFM
12 S23-12 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Shortens loading time histories by retaining only the maxima & minima (turning points). Gating can be used to ignore small cycles by absolute or percentage values. Maintains phase across channels by considering all channels simultaneously. If a turning point is found in any input channel, the corresponding point is written to all the output.pvx files. MULTIPLE FILE PEAK VALLEY EXTRACTION- PVXMUL
13 S23-13 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Input.DAC files Output.PVX files - reduced number of points MULTIPLE FILE PEAK VALLEY EXTRACTION- PVXMUL
14 S23-14 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Simultaneous Value Analysis on Multiple Channels (SIMMAX) n Performs Simultaneous Value Analysis on multi-channels load history data, from either a single RPC, or multiple DAC files. The highest peaks, lowest valleys, or highest absolute maxima are first obtained by either scanning a single (control) channel, or each of the input channels. Simultaneous values of all other channels at the positions (in time) of the desired event(s) are saved into output files.
15 S23-15 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 GRAPHICAL EDITING OF DATA - GED
16 S23-16 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS/ STATISTICS n Amplitude Distribution Analysis (ADA) n Running Statistics (RSTATS)
17 S23-17 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 AMPLITUDE DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS - ADA the probability of a certain amplitude in the time domain
18 S23-18 PAT318, Section 23, March calculating statistics for user-defined windows of data RUNNING STATISTICS - RSTATS
19 S23-19 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 FILTERING n Butterworth Filtering (BFL) n Fast Fourier Filtering (FFF)
20 S23-20 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 DATA FILTERING - FFF & BFL n Fast Fourier Filter (FFF) u Low Pass u High Pass u Band Pass u Band Reject n Uses FFT and Inverse-FFT to remove frequency content n Butterworth Filter (BFL) u Low Pass u High Pass u Band Pass u Band Reject n Simulates hardware filter n Forwards and Forwards- Backwards Methods n Up to 8th order cut off Frequency DomainTime Domain
21 S23-21 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 FREQUENCY ANALYSIS n Auto Spectral Density (ASD) n Frequency Response Analysis (FRA)
22 S23-22 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 AUTO SPECTRAL ANALYSIS - ASD n PSD u Area under PSD = Mean square amplitude n ASD u Area under ASD = amplitude n ESD u ESD = PSD x Time n Real & Imaginary n Magnitude & Phase of FFT - Calculating frequency content of data using FFT
23 S23-23 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 FREQUENCY RESPONSE ANALYSIS - FRA - transfer function analysis of single input - single output linear system n PSDs of input & output n Cross-Power Spectra between input & output n Gain, phase & coherence relationships
24 S23-24 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Original peak valley history for comparison PEAK VALLEY REGENERATION - REGEN - generating a time history from a cycle matrix
25 S23-25 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Fatigue Analysis (local or test based) Tools n Stress-Life Analysis (SLF) n Strain-Life Crack Initiation (CLF) n Multiaxial Strain-Life (MLF) n Frequency Domain Fatigue (FLF) n Crack Growth LEFM (FCG)
26 S23-26 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 Other Fatigue Related Tools n Cycles Damage Analysis (CDA) n Time Correlated Damage (TCD) n Stress Concentration Library (KTAN) n Cycles / Matrix Listing (CYL) n Rosette Analysis (SSA)
27 S23-27 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 CYCLES AND DAMAGE ANALYSIS - CDA Compares number of cycles with the damage contribution of that stress or strain range - comparing 2D plots of 3D histogram data
28 S23-28 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 TIME CORRELATED DAMAGE - TCD - identifying the damaging portions of data
29 S23-29 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 STRESS CONCENTRATION LIBRARY KTAN Choose from graphical library of geometries and stress concentrations - calculating K t for standard geometries o h r t Kt = (r/t). (h/t) stress d d/4 d/8 r o o o A A B MM Kt is at point B (15 deg from vertical) N.B. Kt at point A is constant = 1.6 d r t MM s Nominal stress = M / ( d / 32 ) In this case r / d = 0.1 3
30 S23-30 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 ROSETTE ANALYSIS - SSA - analyzing the stress state of rosette data n Mohrs Circle n Calculates strain components from rosette n Biaxiality ratio vs Principal plots n Angle vs Principal plots n Elastic- plastic conversion
31 S23-31 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 DATA CONVERSION & OTHER UTILITIES n Data Conversion u Binary to ASCII (DTA) u MTS RPCTM File translators (DACREM/REMDAC) u Cycles Matrix to Time History (REGEN) n Other Functions u Convert data across platforms (CONFIL) u View / Edit Data Header (FILMNP) u Plotting setup on UNIX (PLTSYS) u Viewing Plots on UNIX (QPLOT) u Windows Plot Manager on NT (WNPLOT)
32 S23-32 PAT318, Section 23, March 2005 EXERCISE n Perform Quickstart Guide Chapter 17 Exercises, Fatigue Utilities n Be sure to ask for help if theres anything you dont understand
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