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1 WS6-1 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 WORKSHOP 6 FRAME SURFACE MODEL ANALYSIS
2 WS6-2 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003
3 WS6-3 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Problem Description u This workshop involves meshing the surfaces and solids created for Workshop 5. The finite element model is to be completed, an analysis performed, and the results viewed in MSC.Patran. Deformation results are displayed using wireframe or shaded mode. It will be seen that the rubber supports for the frame undergo the largest deformation. Stress results are looked at using fringe or stress tensor markers. Different coordinate systems for displaying the stress results are used.
4 WS6-4 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Suggested Exercise Steps 1. Open the existing database surf_create_part2. db 2. Create a group for the 2D Paver meshes to be created. It is to be named fem_surfaces 3. Create Paver meshes for all the surfaces. Use Quad4 elements and a Global Edge Length Mesh all surfaces in the group isomesh_surfaces. IsoMesh the surfaces using Quad4 elements and a Global Edge Length 1.0. Allow the Paver meshes that were previously created to be deleted. 5. Equivalence all nodes in the database. 6. Show the element free edges. 7. Post the group named solids. 8. Create group with name fem_solids. 9. IsoMesh of parametric solids in group solids 10. Create group for all the finite elements(2D and 3D). 11. Equivalence all model nodes. 12. Display element free edges. 13. Move the nodes and elements in group isomesh_surfaces(has just the surfaces at the top of the rubber supports) to the group fem_surfaces(this group will have all the 2D elements in the model). 14. Post group fem_surfaces. 15. Create a fringe plot of aspect ratio for all the 2D elements.
5 WS6-5 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Suggested Exercise Steps 16. Post group all_surfaces and group solids. Group all_surfaces has all the geometric surfaces in it. And group solids has all the geometric solids in it. The geometry will be used for the application region in creating the loads and boundary conditions. 17. Create the dead load on the frame due to the weight of the engine. Two load sets must be created, one for each end of the model. 18. Create static loading due to the peak engine operating conditions. Two load sets must be created, one for each end of the model. 19. Create gravity loading on just the frame. All the frame elements will be used to create this load, including the frame mass density. 20. Create constraints at the bottom of the rubber frame supports. As the support elements are 3D only the displacements need to be constrained in MSC.Patran. 21. Define the frame and support material properties. The frame is made of Aluminum. and the supports are mage of a rubber material. The Aluminum has only one value of the Elastic modulus. The stiffness of the rubber varies linearly with distance along the long direction of the frame; this is to make it possible to keep the frame level under static loading. 22. Define element properties for the frame. The are two regions of the frame, each with a unique thickness. So, it is necessary to create two property sets for the frame. 23. Define element properties for the supports. There are six regions of the supports, each with unique stiffness. So, it is necessary to create six property sets. 24. Check the load case to see if the proper loads and boundary conditions are included. 25. Post the group named fem_all(has all the elements in the model). 26. Run the finite element analysis.
6 WS6-6 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Suggested Exercise Steps 27. Access the finite element solver results by attaching the corresponding file to the MSC.Patran database. 28. Display the deformation results in wireframe and shaded format. 29. Display von Mises stress, derived from the stress tensor, for the 2D plate and 3D solid element portions of the model separately. Also, display the X and Y stress component markers(arrows) using two different coordinate systems.
7 WS6-7 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 1. Open Database surf_create_part2. db a.File / Open. b.File name: surf_create_part2. c.Click OK. d.Unpost group named solids, keeping group all_surfaces posted. Click on all_surfaces, then Apply. a b c d d
8 WS6-8 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 2. Create Group for 2D Paver Meshes a.Group / Create. b.New Group Name: fem_surfaces. c.Check Make Current. d.Apply. e.Cancel. a b c d e
9 WS6-9 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 3. Create Paver Mesh on All Surfaces a.Elements: Create / Mesh / Surface. b.Elem Shape: Quad. c.Mesher: Paver. d.Topology: Quad4. e.Click under Surface List and select all surfaces in the figure. f.Global Edge Length: 1.0. g.Apply. a b c d e f g e
10 WS6-10 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 3. Create Paver Mesh on All Surfaces (Cont.) These are the Paver meshes, one for each of the 182 surfaces.
11 WS6-11 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 4. Mesh Surfaces in Group isomesh_surfaces a.Group / Post. b.Under Select Groups to Post select isomesh_surfaces. c.Apply. d.Cancel a b cd
12 WS6-12 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Elements: Create / Mesh / Surface. b.Elem Shape: Quad. c.Mesher: IsoMesh. d.Topology: Quad4. e.Click under Surface List and select all surfaces in group isomesh_surfaces. f.Global Edge Length: 1.0. g.Apply. h.Select Yes For All to delete existing meshes(Paver meshes). a b c d e f g e Step 4. Mesh Surfaces in Group isomesh_surfaces
13 WS6-13 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 4. Mesh Surfaces in Group isomesh_surfaces These are the IsoMesh meshes of the surfaces in group isomesh_surfaces.
14 WS6-14 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 5. Equivalence Nodes a.Group / Post. b.Under Select Groups to Post select fem_surfaces and isomesh_surfaces. c.Apply. d.Cancel. a b c Paver and IsoMesh meshes d
15 WS6-15 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 5. Equivalence Nodes (Cont.) a.Elements: Equivalence / All / Tolerance Cube. b.Equivalencing Tolerance: c.Apply. a b c
16 WS6-16 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 6. Show Element Free Edges a.Elements: Verify / Element / Boundaries. b.Display Type: Free Edges. c.Apply. a b c
17 WS6-17 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 7. Post Group solids a.Group / Post. b.Under Select Groups to Post select solids. c.Apply. a b c
18 WS6-18 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 8. Create Group fem_solids a.Group / Create. b.New Group Name: fem_solids. c.Check Make Current. d.Apply. e.Cancel. a b c d e
19 WS6-19 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 9. IsoMesh for Group fem_solids a.Elements: Create / Mesh / Solid. b.Elem Shape: Hex. c.Mesher: IsoMesh. d.Topology: Hex8. e.Click under Solid List and select all solids in group solids. f.Global Edge Length: 2.0. g.Apply. a b c d e f g e
20 WS6-20 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 9. IsoMesh for Group fem_solids These are the IsoMesh meshes of the parametric(blue) solids in group solids. There are 72 Hex8 meshes.
21 WS6-21 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 10. Create Group fem_all a.Group / Create. b.New Group Name: fem_all. c.Check Make Current. d.Check Unpost All Other Groups. e.Group Contents: Add All FEM. f.Apply. g.Cancel. a b c d e f g
22 WS6-22 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 11. Equivalence All Nodes in Database a.Elements: Equivalence / All / Tolerance Cube. b.Equivalencing Tolerance: c.Apply. Notice that Hex8 elements are connected to Quad4 elements, as well as other Hex8 elements. a b c
23 WS6-23 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 12. Show Element Free Edges a.Elements: Verify / Element / Boundaries. b.Display Type: Free Edges. c.Apply. a b c
24 WS6-24 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 13. Transform Surfaces a.Group / Move/Copy. b.From Group: isomesh_surfaces. c.To Group: fem_surfaces. d.Check Move. e.Click on Selected Entities... f.Check Nodes and Elements. g.OK. h.Apply. a b c d e f g h
25 WS6-25 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 14. Post Group fem_surfaces a.Group / Post. b.Under Select Groups to Post select fem_surfaces. c.Apply. d.Cancel. a b c d
26 WS6-26 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 15. Verify Elements a.Elements: Verify / Quad / Aspect. b.Aspect Ratio: 5. c.Apply. Notice that no element failed the test. a b c
27 WS6-27 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 16. Post Group all_surfaces and solids a.Group / Post. b.Under Select Groups to Post select all_surfaces and solids. c.Apply. d.When asked, select to make group solids current. e.Cancel. a b c e
28 WS6-28 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 17. Create Dead Load from Engine a.Change view to Smooth shaded. b.Zoom into the area as shown in the figure. a b b
29 WS6-29 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 17. Create Dead Load from Engine (Cont.) a.Loads / BCs: Create / Total Load / Element Uniform. b.Select on New Set Name and enter dead_load. c.Target Element Type: 2D. d.Input Data. e.Enter for Surf Load. f.OK. g.Select Application Region. h.Geometry Filter: Geometry. i.Select on Select Surfaces or Edges. a b d e f g h i
30 WS6-30 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Preference / Picking. Select Enclose entire entity for Rectangle/Polygon Picking. b.Close. c.Click on Surface or Face icon. d.Select surfaces as shown in the figure. e.Add. f.OK. g.Apply. Step 17. Create Dead Load from Engine (Cont.) d f a e c c d
31 WS6-31 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Change to the model region shown in the figure. Step 17. Create Dead Load from Engine (Cont.) a
32 WS6-32 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 17. Create Dead Load from Engine (Cont.) a.Select on New Set Name and enter dead_load_2. b.Input Data. c.Enter for Surf Load. d.OK. e.Select Application Region. f.Geometry Filter: Geometry. g.Select on Select Surfaces or Edges. a b c d e f g
33 WS6-33 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 17. Create Dead Load from Engine (Cont.) a.Click on Surface or Face icon. b.Select surfaces as shown in the figure. c.Add. d.OK. e.Apply. a b c d a b
34 WS6-34 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 17. Create Dead Load from Engine (Cont.) a.Your figure should look like the following. b.Zoom out. a b
35 WS6-35 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 18. Create Operating Engine Static Load a.Select on New Set Name and enter op_static_load. b.Input Data. c.Enter for Surf Load. d.OK. e.Select Application Region. f.Geometry Filter: Geometry. g.Select on Select Surfaces or Edges. b c d f g e a
36 WS6-36 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Click on Surface or Face icon. b.Select surfaces as shown in the figure. c.Add. d.OK. e.Apply. Step 18. Create Operating Engine Static Load (Cont.) c d a a b b
37 WS6-37 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 18. Create Operating Engine Static Load (Cont.) a.Select on New Set Name and enter op_static_load_2. b.Input Data. c.Enter for Surf Load. d.OK. e.Select Application Region. f.Geometry Filter: Geometry. g.Select on Select Surfaces or Edges. b c d e f g a
38 WS6-38 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Click on Surface or Face icon. b.Select surfaces as shown in the figure. c.Add. d.OK. e.Apply. Step 18. Create Operating Engine Static Load (Cont.) a b c d b a
39 WS6-39 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Your figure should look like the following. Step 18. Create Operating Engine Static Load (Cont.) Although the force directions may appear vertical, they are in fact off angled. You can switch to different views to observe this.
40 WS6-40 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 19. Create Gravity Load on Frame a.Loads / BCs: Create / Inertial Load / Element Uniform b.Enter gravity for New Set Name. c.Input Data. d.In Trans Accel enter. e.OK. f.Apply. a b c d e
41 WS6-41 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 20. Create Constraints for the Frame Support Constrain bottom of rubber supports. a.Loads / BCs: Create / Displacement / Nodal. b.Select on New Set Name: and enter fix_base. c.Select Input Data. d.Enter for Translations. e.OK. f.Click on Select Application Region. g.Select Geometry for Geometry Filter. a b d e g c f
42 WS6-42 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Click under Select Geometry Entities. b.Pick the Surface or Face icon. c.Change view to Front view. d.Select all the bottom solid faces of the supports. e.Add. f.OK. g.Apply. Step 20. Create Constraints for the Frame Support (Cont.) f a b c e d
43 WS6-43 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 20. Create Constraints for the Frame Support (Cont.) a.Select on Iso 1 View from the tool bar. b.Display / Load/BC/Elem.Props. c.Unselect LBC/El.Prop. Values. d.Apply. e.Cancel. f.Your figure should look like the following. a b c d e f
44 WS6-44 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 21. Defining Material Set aluminum as the material of the frame. a.Materials: Create / Isotropic / Manual Input. b.Select on Material Name and enter aluminum. c.Select Input Properties. d.Enter: Elastic Modulus: 10e6. Poisson Ratio: 0.3. Density: 2.61e-4. e.OK. f.Apply. a b c d e
45 WS6-45 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 21. Defining Material (Cont.) Create different sets of rubber material. With each set there will be different Elastic Modulus to provide different stiffness needed to keep the frame level. a.Materials: Create / Isotropic / Manual Input. b.Select on Material Name and enter rubber. c.Select Input Properties. d.Enter: Elastic Modulus: Poisson Ratio: 0.4. e.OK. f.Apply. a b c d e f
46 WS6-46 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 21. Defining Material (Cont.) a.Select on Material Name and enter rubber_2. b.Select Input Properties. c.Enter: Elastic Modulus: Poisson Ratio: 0.4. d.OK. e.Apply. f.Select on Material Name and enter rubber_3. g.Select Input Properties. h.Enter: Elastic Modulus: Poisson Ratio: 0.4. i.Ok. j.Apply. a b c d e
47 WS6-47 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 21. Defining Material (Cont.) a.Now create 3 more materials rubber_4, rubber_5, and rubber_6, with Poisson Ratio of 0.4, and Elastic Modulus of: rubber_4: rubber_5: rubber_6:
48 WS6-48 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 22. Defining Properties for Frame Structure a.Properties: Create / 2D / Shell. b.Select Property Set Name and enter al- frame_flange. c.Select Input Properties. d.Click on Mat Prop Name select aluminum from Select Material. e.Thickness: f.OK. a b c d e f d
49 WS6-49 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Change view to Front view. b.Click on Select Members. c.Select top and bottom flanges as shown in the figure. d.Add. e.Apply. Step 22. Defining Properties for Frame Structure (Cont.) Select flange surfaces b c d e a
50 WS6-50 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 22. Defining Properties for Frame Structure (Cont.) a.Preferences / Picking. b.Rectangle/Polygon Picking: Enclose any portion of entity. c.Close. d.Select Property Set Name and enter al_frame_web. e.Select Input Properties. f.Click Mat Prop Name icon and choose aluminum from Select Material. g.Thickness: 0.5. h.OK. a f d e f g h
51 WS6-51 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Click on Select Members. b.Select the web surfaces(between flanges; trimmed surfaces with holes) of the frame as shown in the figure. c.Add. d.Apply. Step 22. Defining Properties for Frame Structure (Cont.) Select web surfaces a b c d Flange surface
52 WS6-52 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 23. Defining Properties for Frame Support a.Properties: Create / 3D / Solid. b.Select Property Set Name and enter support_x1. c.Select Input Properties. d.Click Mat Prop Name icon and choose rubber from Select Material. e.OK. a b c d e d
53 WS6-53 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 23. Defining Properties for Frame Support (Cont.) a.Click on Select Members. b.Select only portion of the first lower left solids of support, as shown in the figure. c.Add. d.Apply. Select these solids a b c d
54 WS6-54 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 23. Defining Properties for Frame Support (Cont.) a.Select Property Set Name and enter support_x2. b.Input Properties. c.Click on Material Name and select rubber_2. d.OK. e.Click on Select Members. f.Select only portion of the second lower left solids of support, as shown in the figure. g.Add. h.Apply. i.Select Property Set Name and enter support_x3. j.Input Properties. k.Click on Material Name and select rubber_3. l.OK. m.Click on Select Members. n.Select third lower left solids. o.Add. p.Apply a b g e h Select these solids for support_x2 Select these solids for support_x3 f n
55 WS6-55 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 23. Defining Properties for Frame Support (Cont.) a.Select Property Set Name and enter support_x4. b.Input Properties. c.Click on Material Name and select rubber_4. d.OK. e.Click on Select Members. f.Select fourth row of solids. g.Add. h.Apply. i.Select Property Set Name and enter support_x5. j.Input Properties. k.Click on Material Name and select rubber_5. l.OK. m.Click on Select Members. n.Select fifth row of solids. o.Add. p.Apply a b e g h Select these solids for support_x4 Select these solids for support_x5 f n
56 WS6-56 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 23. Defining Properties for Frame Support (Cont.) a.Select Property Set Name and enter support_x6. b.Input Properties. c.Click on Material Name and select rubber_6. d.OK. e.Click on Select Members. f.Select sixth row of solids. g.Add. h.Apply. Select these solids for support_x6 f a b e g h
57 WS6-57 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a b Step 24. Check Assignment of Loads and BCs to Load Case a.Load Cases: Modify. b.Select Default in Select Load Case to Modify. c.Check that all Loads and BCs are selected. d. Cancel. d c
58 WS6-58 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 25. Post Group fem_all a.Group / Post. b.Under Select Groups to Post select fem_all. c.Apply. d.Cancel. a b c d
59 WS6-59 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 26. Analysis Run the analysis of the entire model. a.Analysis: Analyze / Entire Model / Full Run. b.Select Solution Type. c.Choose LINEAR STATIC for Solution Type. d.OK. e.Apply. a b c d e
60 WS6-60 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 27. Access Results Under Analysis Attach the.xdb file in order to access the results. a.Analysis: Access Results / Attach XDB / Result Entities. b.Click on Select Results File. c.Select and attach the file surf_create_part2.xdb. d.OK. e.Apply. a c d b e
61 WS6-61 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 28. Deformation Results Create a deformed shape plot. a.Results: Create / Deformation. b.Select A1:Static Subcase under Select Result Case(s). c.Select Displacements, Translational under Select Deformation Result. d.Select Display Attributes. e.Click on Model Scale and set the scale to f.Unselect Show Undeformed. g.Apply. a b c d e g f
62 WS6-62 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 28. Deformation Results (Cont.) Display shows the deformed shape of the structure.
63 WS6-63 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 28. Deformation Results (Cont.) a.Render Style: Shaded. b.Apply. a b
64 WS6-64 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 Step 29. Stress Fringe Results a.Create / Fringe. b.Select Stress Tensor under Select Fringe Result. c.Select Position…((NON- LAYERED)). d.Choose At Z1. e.Close. f.Quantity: von Mises. g.Apply. a b c d e f g
65 WS6-65 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Your figure should look like the following. Step 29. Stress Fringe Results (Cont.) Stress for plate elements
66 WS6-66 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Create / Fringe. b.Select Stress Tensor under Select Fringe Result. c.Select Position…(At Z1). d.Choose NON-LAYERED. e.Close. f.Apply. Step 29. Stress Fringe Results (Cont.) a b c f Stress for solid elements d e
67 WS6-67 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Reset graphics. b.Create / Marker / Tensor. c.Select Stress Tensor under Select Fringe Result. d.Select Position…((NON- LAYERED)). e.Choose At Z1. f.Close. g.Check only XX and YY. h.Display Attributes. i.Uncheck Show Max/Min Label. j.Uncheck Show Tensor Label. k.Plot Options. l.Coordinate Transformation: As Is. m.Apply. Step 30. Stress Marker Results b c d e f g h i j k m a
68 WS6-68 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Zoom in to the figure shown. b.The markers are for XX and YY components of stress using the coordinate transformation As Is(no transformation). Step 30. Stress Marker Results (Cont.)
69 WS6-69 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Reset graphics. b.Plot Options. c.Coordinate Transformation: Global. d.Apply. a b c d Step 30. Stress Marker Results (Cont.)
70 WS6-70 PAT301, Workshop 6, October 2003 a.Your figure should look like the following. b.The only difference between this plot and the previous one is that the coordinate transformation Global was used to create this plot. This means the stress components are displayed in the MSC.Patran global coordinate system. c.File / Close. This ends this exercise. Step 30. Stress Marker Results (Cont.)
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