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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемДиана Гордеева
2 WS1-2 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
3 WS1-3 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Model Description In this exercise you will create the required geometry for a 3D hybrid microcircuit model. You will first construct simple surfaces which will define the microcircuit perimeter and the locations of eight surface mounted devices. From the edges of these simple surfaces you will create chained curves which define the inner and outer edges (loops) of the microcircuit surface. From these chained curves you will create a trimmed surface, the guiding geometry of the microcircuit model. In later exercises you will define the finite element mesh, material properties, thermal loads, and boundary conditions for the microcircuit.
4 WS1-4 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Exercise Overview 1. Create a new database named microcircuit.db. Set the Tolerance to Based on Model, the Approximate Maximum Model Dimension to 0.02, and the Analysis Code to MSC/THERMAL. 2. Create a simple surface that will form the outside edge for the microcircuit model. The dimensions are provided. 3. Create eight regular surfaces that will define the locations of the surface mounted devices. The dimensions are provided. 4. Create chained curves on the edges of each surface by using Create/Curve/Chain. 5. Unclutter the display by selectively hiding labels. 6. Complete the geometry of the hybrid microcircuit by using Create/Surface/Trimmed with the Option Planar. 7. Quit MSC.Patran. Objectives In this exercise you will construct a trimmed surface which will be the underlying geometry of a 3D Hybrid Microcircuit model. Create a trimmed surface with interior cutouts for components. Create regular surfaces representing component footprints.
5 WS1-5 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 1: Create a New Database Create a new database called Microcircuit.db a. File / New. b. Enter microcircuit as the file name. c. Click OK. d. Choose Based on Model under Tolerance. e. Set the Approximate Maximum Model Dimension to 0.02 f. Select MSC.Patran Thermal as the Analysis Code. g. Click OK. b c d e f g a
6 WS1-6 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 2: Create the Simple Surface Create the simple surface that will form the outside edge for the microcircuit model a. Geometry. b. Create/Surface/XYZ. c. Enter for the Vector Coordinate List. d. Unclick Auto Execute. e. Apply. f. Click the Show Label icon. b c e f a d
7 WS1-7 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 3. Create Surface Mounted Devices Create eight regular surfaces that will define the locations of the surface mounted devices. a. Create/Surface/XYZ. b. Enter the Vector Coordinate List:. c. Enter [ ] as the Origin Coordinate List. d. Apply. a b c d
8 WS1-8 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Create three copies of this region. a. Transform/Surface/ Translate. b. For the Translation Vector, enter c. Enter 3 for Repeat Count d. Unselect Auto Execute. e. In the Surface List box, select Surface 2 in the viewport. f. Apply Step 3: Create Surface Mounted Devices a b c d e f
9 WS1-9 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 3: Create Surface Mounted Devices Create the sixth surface a. Transform/Point/Translate. b. Set Translation Vector to and Repeat Count to 1. c. Click in the Point List Box and Select Point 5 (lower left corner of surface 2). d. Apply. Point 21 a b c d
10 WS1-10 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 3: Create Surface Mounted Devices Create the last three boxes of our Microcircuit a. Create/Surface/XYZ. b. Change Vector Coordinate List to. c. Click in the Origins Box and select Point 21 from viewport. d. Apply. e. Transform/Surface/ Translate. f. Set Translation Vector to and Repeat Count to 1. g. Click on Surface List and Select Surface 6. h. Apply. i. Repeat these steps for a new Translation Vector input of and Surface 6 7 for Surface List. a b c d e f g
11 WS1-11 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 3: Create Surface Mounted Devices Your Viewport should now look like the following:
12 WS1-12 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 4: Create Chained Curves Create Curves on the edges of each surface. a. Preferences/Picking b. Set Rectangle/Polygon Picking to Enclose entire entity. c. Close. d. Geometry. e. Create/Curve/Chain. f. Unclick Delete Constituent Curves g. Click in Curve List box and then click the Edge selection icon in the Select Menu. h. While holding the key, select the four outer edges of Surface 1. i. Apply. j. Click inside the Curve List box and repeat this procedure selecting edges along surface 2. k. Apply. l. Repeat previous steps for the remaining seven surfaces. e b c e a d g f h i
13 WS1-13 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 5: Unclutter the Display Unclutter the display by hiding the labels a. Select Display from the Menu Bar. b. Select Entity Color/ Label/Render… from the drop down menu. c. Select Hide All Entity Labels and turn on only Curve, Surface, and Tsurf labels. d. Select Curve, Surface, and Tsurf e. Apply. f. Cancel. c d a b e f
14 WS1-14 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 6: Create a Trimmed Surface Complete the Geometry of the Hybrid Microcircuit a. Create/Surface/Trimmed. b. Select Planar from Option. c. Turn off the Delete Outer Loop and Delete Inner Loops. d. Select the curve icon from toolbox menu e. Click in Outer Loop List data box, and select Curve 1. f. Click in Inner Loop List data box and click drag around Curves 2 through 9. g. Apply. a b c d e f c f g
15 WS1-15 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation Step 7: Quit MSC. Patran Quit MSC. Patran a. Select Viewing from the Menu Bar and select Fit View. b. Select File on the Menu Bar and select Quit. a
16 WS1-16 PAT312, Workshop 1, December 2006 Copyright 2007 MSC.Software Corporation
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