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1 Дашкевич И.В. учитель английского языка Первая гимназия Г.Петропавловск РК
3 State schools - are free - are free -schools provide their pupils with books and equipment their pupils with books and equipment for their studies for their studies about 93 percent of all children Private schools (Independent schools) -parents pay money for these schools about 7 percent of all children Compulsary Compulsary from 5 till 16 3 stages of education : PRIMARY (5-11) SECONDARY (11-16) FURTHER (16-18)
4 State and Public schools Fettes College Eton school The great majority of children (about 9 million) attend Britains 30,500 state schools. No tuition fees are payable in any of them. A further 600,000 go to 2,500 private schools, often referred to as the independent sector where the parents have to pay for their children
6 The Nursery schools A nursery school is not compulsary and for children between the ages of three and five, staffed by qualified teachers. Children are taught to sing, draw, they play different creative games. The infant school The first school is the infant school, for children between five and seven. At this stage the children become acquainted with the Reading, Writing and Arithmetic in the form of games. The Junior school The Junior school is for children aged seven to eleven. Towards the end of their fourth year in the junior school, a certain percentage of English schoolchildren still have to write their 11+ Examinations
7 Comprehensive school Comprehensive schools admit children of all abilities and provide a wide range of secondary education for all or most of the children in a district. The comprehensive system aims to develop the gifts of all children to the full, to reveal those who often remain unsuspected under the old system, and to raise the standards of all children. The grammar school provided a traditional literary and scientific education up to the age of eighteen, it gives pupils the more academic education, and prepares them for entry to universities. The secondary modern school provides a general education, including much instruction of a practical sort, up to the age of fifteen only, when the children leave school to go to work. The Technical school providing technical education up to the age of eighteen, was established by the Educational Act of 1944, but as yet there are very few schools of this type.
8 After six years of primary education children take exams in core subjects and go to a secondary school. Children study compulsory (core) subjects: English, Literature English, Literature Mathematics Mathematics IT (information technology) IT (information technology) Religious Education Religious Education and optional courses: one foreign language one foreign language one science subject one science subject one art subject one art subject History History Geography Geography PE (physical education) PE (physical education) Design and Technology Design and Technology
9 can leave school if they wish:can leave school if they wish: go to a college of further education to study for more practical (vocational) diplomas relating to the world of work, such as hairdressing, typing or mechanicsgo to a college of further education to study for more practical (vocational) diplomas relating to the world of work, such as hairdressing, typing or mechanics workwork About two thirds of the pupilsAbout two thirds of the pupils continue their studies in the sixth form (2 years) continue their studies in the sixth form (2 years) About one-thirdAbout one-third
10 16-18 years old choose 4-5 subjects, which are necessary to pass the advanced level examschoose 4-5 subjects, which are necessary to pass the advanced level exams have further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or collegehave further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or college are prepared for a national exam called "A" level (advanced level) (after the first year)are prepared for a national exam called "A" level (advanced level) (after the first year) "A 2" level (after the second year)"A 2" level (after the second year) IB (International Baccalaureate) IB (International Baccalaureate)
11 A lot of people think that school uniforms in England are for the children from rich families at the countrys best schools. But it isnt always true.In fact, uniforms first came to schools for poor because they were cheaper. Today a lot of British schools have uniforms. Usually they differ only in colours but include a blazer, a pullover, a shirt (a blouse), trousers (a skirt), tights or socks, shoes and boots, a scarf and gloves of a certain colour, a cap or a hat. School badge is on a cap and on a blazers pocket. One of the most important elements of the uniform is One of the most important elements of the uniform is a school tie.
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