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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемАлиса Прасолова
1 They defended their Motherland.
2 At dawn on June 22, 1941, Hitlers armies attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. The Great Patriotic War, which was to last about four years, began.
3 The inhabitants of the Astrakhan Region together with all the Soviet people arose to defend our Socialist Motherland. The inhabitants of the Astrakhan Region together with all the Soviet people arose to defend our Socialist Motherland. More than 5 thousand people of Cherny Yar district were mobilized to the rows of the Red Army, fought in battles with the strong and treacherous enemy More than 5 thousand people of Cherny Yar district were mobilized to the rows of the Red Army, fought in battles with the strong and treacherous enemy
4 The people of Cherny Yar district as all the Soviet people voluntarily joined the rows of the Red Army. The women joined the rows together with the men. And only two thousand of them returned home inhabitants of our district gave their lives for our Motherland. They were from 17 to 45 years old. The people of Cherny Yar district as all the Soviet people voluntarily joined the rows of the Red Army. The women joined the rows together with the men. And only two thousand of them returned home inhabitants of our district gave their lives for our Motherland. They were from 17 to 45 years old.
5 The Museum of History and Regional Studies (Ethnography) is located in Cherny Yar Secondary School. And we want to tell you about one of the stands devoted to The Heroes of the Soviet Union of the Cherny Yar district
6 Pavel Konev was born on July 5, 1925 in the village of Staritsa. He joined the Soviet Army in January In 1944 he graduated from Saratov tank school. He was a tank commander of the 23rd tank brigade (the 38th Army, the 1st Belarusian front). The crew of Junior lieutenant Pavel Konev destroyed a lot of living force of the enemy and captured the crossing place over the Warta River. During the battle his crew could hold the crossing place and helped the tank brigade get across the river. Junior lieutenant Pavel Konev was klled in one of the battles on March 5, 1945 and was buried in Stargard (Poland). The military rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union was conferred on him posthumously. Junior lieutenant Pavel Konev was klled in one of the battles on March 5, 1945 and was buried in Stargard (Poland). The military rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union was conferred on him posthumously. One of the streets in his native village was named after him and a monument in hour of him was installed near the school where he studied. One of the streets in his native village was named after him and a monument in hour of him was installed near the school where he studied. Pavel Fedorovich Konev ( )
7 Zavjalov Sergey Alexeevich ( ) Zavjalov Sergey Alexeevich was born on August 8, 1912 in the village of Zubovka. Then his family moved to Cherny Yar. Sergey joined the Soviet Army in October The first time he took part in the battles of the Great Patriotic War in July But especially he distinguished himself when the Soviet Army forced the Vistula River (Poland). The fighting operation for the crew of the sergeant – major was to help to 700 soldiers with a lot of ammunition put across the river. The operation last during all the night under the fierce bombardirovka. On March 24, 1945 he was conferred the Military rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union for his courage and valour.
8 Popov Ivan Stepanovich (1914 – 1985) Ivan Stepanovich was born on March 29, 1914 in the village of Solenoe Zaimishe. He joined the Soviet Army in August He served in the 62nd Army in Stalingrad. Ivan Popov took part in crossing the Seversky Donets, The Dnieper, and the West Bug. Especially he showed his courage when the artillery and soldiers were put across the river Vistula near the place Pshevuz- Garnovsky (Poland). He could put out the fire on the pontoon with ammunition and saved a lot of people. On March 24, 1945 Sergeant Ivan Popov was conferred the Military rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union for his courage and heroism On March 24, 1945 Sergeant Ivan Popov was conferred the Military rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union for his courage and heroism
9 Nikolay Zakharovich Popov ( ) Nikolay Zakharovich Popov was born on June 3, 1915 in the village of Salt Zaimysche. He joined the Red Army in 1937 after graduating from the regimental school. He took part in the fighting on the Khalkhin-Gol in He was a gun commander of the 175th Artillery Regiment (36th Rifle Division 1 Army Group). On July 8, 1939 Popovs detachment was attacked by a large force of Japanese infantry and surrounded. In an unequal battle all the men of his crew were killed. Only Nickolay continued the fighting. He loaded the gun and fired at point- blank range When the last shell was left, he decided to blow himself upalong with the gun, but an enemy bullet ended his life. Nikolay Zakharovich Popov was conferred the military rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously on November 17, 1939.
10 Bocharov Maxum Georgievich ( ) He was born on June 9, 1916 in the village of Solodniky. He joined the Soviet Army in May On August 29, 1943 he with the men of his crew attacked an enemy detachment and destroyed them. Then he opened fire from a trophy machine-gun. The success of the battle was provided. On October 7, 1943 in the heavy battle for the village Kozarovichy (Kiev region) he roused his soldiers under the fierce fire of the enemy and could capture this village. For his courage and heroism he was rewarded the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. He also was rewarded the Order of Lenin and some medals.
11 Tatarchenko Peter Ivanovich (1925 – 1997) Peter Tatarchenko was born on January 8, 1925 in the village of Solodniky. He joined the Soviet Army in June Sergeant Peter Ivanovich Tatarchenko distinguished himself when our troops were crossing the Oder River near the village Hohbashvits (Germany). On the night of 26 to 27 January 1945 Sergeant Tatarchenko with the men of his department we re the first who went to the river Oder, immediately proceeded to build a ferry. But they found the enemy and opened heavy machine gun fire. He crossed the river by boat and tied it up to the enemy ship standing at the shore. Infantry came to the rescue with the help of ropes, rowing quickly crossed to the opposite bank and threw the Nazis out of the village. Hohbashvits, as a result of our troops could capture an important strategic bridge –head on the left bank of the Oder. For courage and bravery shown during the crossing of the Oder River, on 10 April 1945 Sergeant Peter Ivanovich Tatarchenko was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
12 Abljazov Phakhrutdin Rakhmatgalievich ( ) He was born in the village of Kamenny Yar. He joined the Soviet Army in September On January 30, 1945 Sergeant Phakhrutdin Ablyazov distinguished himself when our Army was crossing the River Oder in the area of Katowice (Poland). He replaced the platoon commander. Having crossed to the opposite shore, the platoon took the fight, giving the opportunity to cross the rest of the companies. During the battle platoon destroyed four enemy firing points, cleared one of the streets of the village and cut off enemy escape routes. During the day, a platoon under the command of Ablyazova reflected counterattacks several times. During the battle Sergeant Ablyazov was badly injured. He was conferred the military rank the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin Fakhrutdinov Rahmatgalievichu was Ablyazova awarded on April 10, 1945.
13 Many obelisks and monuments were installed in many villages of our district in honour and memory of the countrymen who perished during the Great Patriotic War.
14 In the village of Ushakovka 88 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War In the village of Solodniky 324 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War
15 In the village of Vjazovka 318 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War In the village of Kamenny Yar 301 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War
16 In the village of Stupino 83 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War In the village of Pody 108 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War
17 In the village of Staritsa 362 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War In the village of Cherny Yar 529 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War
18 In the village of Solenoe 332 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War In the village of Zubovka 130 people were killed during the Great Patriotic War
19 Victory Day is a special day. Its a wonderful holiday different from all other holidays. It is a national holiday and at the same time a very personal one. Long awaited Victory Day Long awaited Victory Day It came to us in May Day Together with Sun in a clear sky Together with hundreds of soldiers who died.
20 So horrors from the past war did not fade away from people's memory, the tears of orphans and widows who have lost their relatives are not dried yet. We should hold the memory of them because they have given their lives for freedom and independence our Motherland!
21 1. Книга памяти село Чёрный Яр Астраханской области 1995 г. 1. Книга памяти село Чёрный Яр Астраханской области 1995 г. 2. Панин И.И. Вклад трудящихся Астраханской области в дело разгрома фашизма в годы ВОВ. Волгоград 1970 г. 2. Панин И.И. Вклад трудящихся Астраханской области в дело разгрома фашизма в годы ВОВ. Волгоград 1970 г. 3. Таубе А.М. Русско-английский словарь. Москва русский язык 19.2 г. 3. Таубе А.М. Русско-английский словарь. Москва русский язык 19.2 г. 4. Lesson plan devoted to victory day Zebonisos Weblog 4. Lesson plan devoted to victory day Zebonisos Weblog 5. Russia (THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR PHOTOS).7. The Voice of Russia (THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR PHOTOS). 5. Russia (THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR PHOTOS).7. The Voice of Russia (THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR PHOTOS). Литература
22 Literature 1. Книга памяти село Чёрный Яр Астраханской области 1995 г. 1. Книга памяти село Чёрный Яр Астраханской области 1995 г. 2. Панин И.И. Вклад трудящихся Астраханской области в дело разгрома фашизма в годы ВОВ. Волгоград 1970 г. 2. Панин И.И. Вклад трудящихся Астраханской области в дело разгрома фашизма в годы ВОВ. Волгоград 1970 г. 3. Таубе А.М. Русско-английский словарь. Москва русский язык 19.2 г. 3. Таубе А.М. Русско-английский словарь. Москва русский язык 19.2 г. 5. Lesson plan devoted to victory day Zebonisos Weblog 5. Lesson plan devoted to victory day Zebonisos Weblog 6. Russia (THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR PHOTOS). 6. Russia (THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR PHOTOS). 7. The Voice of Russia (THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR PHOTOS). 7. The Voice of Russia (THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR PHOTOS)
23 Фамилия, имя : Кнышова Екатерина 9 класс В Фамилия, имя : Кнышова Екатерина 9 класс В Руководитель: Руководитель: Илюхина С.В. Контакт: Астраханская область, Контакт: Астраханская область, МОУ «СОШ с. Черный Яр», тел. (8512) , Контактная Информация
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