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Презентация была опубликована 10 лет назад пользователемНаталья Кречетова
1 МОБУ «Лицей 8» г. Оренбург 5 класс Festivals in my town by Gurtovenko Ekaterina
2 The Parade of Snowman
3 Every year in Orenburg many people take part in the parade of snowmen. It is colourful and funny holiday. People who wants to take part in the procession and competition with prizes becomes more and more every year. For example, about 100 participants were in 2012 year, and 300 in 2013 year.
4 Adults and children put on suits of snowmen and go along «Soviet» street to a main square. They sing, dance and have fun. Judges choose the best suit of a snowman and present the prizes.
5 Then the winner of parade of snowmen opens a city fir-tree. It is very great honor.
6 This holiday comes to the end with tea drinking which occurs on the same main square.
7 Презентацию выполнила ученица 5 класса Гуртовенко Екатерина руководитель: Кречетова Наталья Васильевна
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