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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемОлег Тюпин
1 Labour Migration Flows from Kyrgyzstan to Russia: States´ Cooperation in Migration Policy Cholpon KEMELOVA, The Academy of Public Administration Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
2 The dynamics of the migration population no indigenous speaking population predominantly to permanent residence to CIS and foreign countries migration of Kyrgyzs and other nationalities to the CIS countries (Russia and Kazakhstan) in search of employment 2000 – to present time a mass character of the external migration
3 Institutional and normative legal bases of labor migration regulation in Kyrgyzstan External Migration Act, 17 July, 2000 Internal Migration Act, 30 July, 2002 External Labour Migration Act, 13 January, 2006 The State Migration Policy Concept for The National Program of Kyrgyzstan on migration processes regulation for
4 Legal normative base on regulation of migration processes between Kyrgyzstan and Russia Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on migration managing and protecting the rights of migrants (July 18, 1995) Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on employment and social protection of migrants (March 28, 1996) Agreement between the KR and the RF on fast-track procedure for acquiring the Russian citizenship (May 25, 1997)
5 Legal normative base on regulation of migration processes between Kyrgyzstan and Russia Agreement between the Ministry of labour and social protection of the KR and the Federal Migration Service of the RF on the mechanism of implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the KR RF on the regulation of migration process and protecting the migrants rights ( April 16, 1998) Agreement between Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia on fast-track procedure for acquiring citizenship (February 29, 1999) Agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of migration (April, 2003)
6 State authorities in migration regulation in Kyrgyzstan 1993 The Office for Migration under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection 1999 the State Agency for Migration and Demography under the Government Department of Migration Service under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs The State Committee of Migration and Employment, later transformed into the Ministry of Labour and Employment of the Kyrgyz Republic 2010 Department of Foreign Migration at Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2011 Ministry of migration, labor and youths
7 The Russian citizenship as a way be legalized in the territory of Russia and obtain a high wages The dual citizenship between Kyrgyzstan and Russia Accordance with bilateral and multilateral agreements in Migration regulation, Russian citizenship is acquired only after refusing to previous citizenship
8 Number of individuals who acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation for the period , Pers.
9 Problems of Kyrgyzs migrants in the territory of Russia unpreparedness for successful entry and employment in Russia (ignorance of the Russian language, legislation); illegal stay of Kyrgyzs in the territory of Russia (more than 260 citizens of Kyrgyz Republic were deported during the first 9 months of 2013); Incompetence of employers.
10 Problems of Kyrgyzstans Migration Policy Lack of the system of measures aimed at preventing or reducing migration No scientific justification of migration management strategy based on the analysis of the international experience of countries that have successfully passed this stage Not defined permissible limit beyond which the migration will be considered a threat to national security.
11 The analysis of existing bilateral legislation The main disadvantage is the declarative nature of the main provisions and agreements There is no specific appeal to certain state and public structures by decision various problems There is no specific measures for implementation the objectives As a consequence, the implementation of these agreements into practice is ineffective
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