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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемПолина Ряхина
2 And the result of it Peoples kills
3 Fact 1 Last winter (December February 2007) became the warmest one for the North hemisphere since Moreover in Russia it was accompanied by cloudy days for several months. The term global warming is at the forefront of many minds. American climate experts claim that the global air average temperature rose 0.06 °C per a twelve-year period. But since 1976, land temperature has increased about three times 0.18 °C and this process continues. American climate experts claim that the global air average temperature rose 0.06 °C per a twelve-year period. But since 1976, land temperature has increased about three times 0.18 °C and this process continues.
4 Should we worry? British scientists predict that 2007 will be the "hottest" year (the previous hot years were 2005 and 1998). By 2050 the global average temperature will rise by 1.1 to 6.4 °C. Northern regions will be wetter and warmer, southern ones appear to be drier and hotter. British scientists predict that 2007 will be the "hottest" year (the previous hot years were 2005 and 1998). By 2050 the global average temperature will rise by 1.1 to 6.4 °C. Northern regions will be wetter and warmer, southern ones appear to be drier and hotter. Ядохимикаты
5 1998 (June - August) - 13 destroyed floods[6] in China (about 1-3 thousand people perished); flood in Prague (Czechoslovakia); floods in Hungary, France. In the beginning of the 19 century sea level was almost constant, rising at mm/yr. But since 1992 its level has been rising much faster - 3 mm/yr. Sea level rise can be a product of a global warming through two main processes: expansion of sea water as the oceans warm, and melting of ice over land. Global warming is predicted to cause significant rises in sea level in the 21st century. Fact 2
6 Some areas (such countries as England, Italy) will disappear under water. Heavy rains and higher storm flooding will happen more frequently. They will cause changing of the whole ecosystem (coastal erosion, changes in water quality) and increasing of human diseases. Nowadays 7 million people die a year from waterborne diseases, including 2.2 million children under five. That means a child under five dies every 14 seconds. What will happen later?
7 Fact 3 1/3 of the world's population lives in water-stressed countries now; January, drought in Australia caused appearing more snakes in the cities. Today people need a minimum of 50 litres of water a day for drinking, washing, cooking and sanitation. More than one billion people have no access to drinking water now. The more population becomes, the more water we need. Do not forget about agriculture, farming and industry. by 2025, 2/3 of the world's people are likely to be living in areas of water stress.
9 Dead «Peoples kills»!!!
10 Hello, clean Earth!
11 За внимание
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