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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемПотап Панкрашкин
1 The Second World War. Began on 3 September 1939.
2 Kind of War. On the ground On the air.
3 Children and women were evacuated...
4 Labels. Every child had it.
5 Gas mask.
6 Air raid.
7 Shelter in the underground.
8 First bomber attack.
9 Mass bomber attacks on Britain.
10 792 planes were lost and over 500 pilots were killed...
11 On the 7 th of September German began bombing London.
12 Nearly 2000 people were killed...
13 One third of London was destroyed.
14 Fifty millions people lost their lives..
15 When people heard the siren...
16 Street lights were switched off. People couldn't see in the darkness.
17 "Home Front". The Home Front is the name given to the activities of civilians during the Second World War. The nation pulled together in the war effort.
18 Of cource people had their diversions...
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