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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемНаталия Хрушкая
1 студент Петров Дмитрий Александрович ГБОУ СПО «Топкинский технический техникум» «Товароведение и экспертиза качества потребительских товаров» 1 курс руководитель проекта Потапова Вера Александровна
2 CONTAIN: Trafalgar Square ,2 Buckingham Palace The Queen of Great Britain Westminster Abbey Westminster Cathedral The Houses of Parliament Big Ben Tower Imperial State Crown Beefeaters Tower Bridge ,13 St. Pauls Cathedral Double-deckers Taxis Telephone booths River Thames
4 Trafalgar Square
5 There are always a lot of people and pigeons on the square. Every winter there is a big Christmas tree which is a gift from Norway in the middle of the square. On New Years Eve people gather around the tree. In the middle of the square there is Admiral Nelsons Column.
6 Buckingham Palace This is the Queens home. It was built in There is a great collection of paintings.
7 The Queen of Great Britain The Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II. Her husband is Duke of Edinburgh. They have got 4 grown-up children: Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.
8 Westminster Abbey This is a holy place. All English kings have been crowned and buried in the church since 1308.
9 Westminster Cathedral It was built between 1895 and This is the seat of the Cardinal Archbishop and the leading Roman Catholic Church in England. Its bell tower is 84 metres high.
10 The Houses of Parliament This big palace is the most famous building in the world – the British Parliament. The building is 280 metres long. There are more than 1000 rooms.
11 Big Ben Big Ben, the big clock tower, is the symbol of London. It strikes hours.
12 Tower The Tower of London has been a fortress, a palace, an arsenal, a mint, a prison, an observatory, a zoo, the home of the Crown Jewels and a tourist attraction.
13 Imperial State Crown The Towers greatest treasure is the Imperial State Crown. There are diamonds on it.
14 Beefeaters The quards of the Tower are called Beefeaters. The legend says that if the ravens leave, the Tower and the country will fall.
15 Tower Bridge The most famous bridge in London is a Tower bridge.
16 Tower Bridge Tower Bridge is a bascule-bridge. The bascules will open to let ships pass through.
17 St. Pauls Cathedral St.Pauls Cathedral is a famous building too. Prince Charles and Princess Diana married here in 1981.
18 Double-deckers There are big red buses called double- deckers in London. People sit upstairs and downstairs on these buses. Tourists like them very much.
19 Taxis Taxis in London are old- fashioned black cars.
20 Telephone booths From here you can call your friends parents and so on..
21 River Thames Thames flows through London. The River Thames is 338 km long. It is 245 m wide here. Even big seaships can visit London.
22 Литература: 1. Нестерова, Н. И. Страноведение. Англия. [Текст]: учеб. Пособие для вузов/Н. И. Нестерова. - М.: Феникс, 2001 Интернет-ресурсы: 1. Достопримечательности Англии [электронный ресурс]. - режим доступа: TXYWxmX 2. Лучшие достопримечательности Лондона [электронный ресурс]. - режим доступа:
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