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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемВладислава Зюряева
1 Источник: Functional modeling of processes in the development of new technical solutions Kozhevnikova V.I. Scientific advisor: Chizhiumov S.D.
2 Hence the essence of the work can be supplied as follows: Application of TRIZ in innovation. These two disciplines are closely related to each other, but are almost always treated separately: first a problem is solved by methods of TRIZ, and then there is a problem of the inventions implementations by innovations methods. In Innovatics somehow not found examples of TRIZ application (at least in the different sections of this science a TRIZ tools are not mentioned). Administrative contradiction : Only 2% of the inventions has successful implementations. So - or 98% of the inventions have no practical value, or the technology of inventions organization and implementation are imperfect. But how to ensure effective implementation? We pose problem of invention implementation based on TRIZ: identify contradictions and then the resolution of these contradictions.
3 PROBLEM: Between invention and existing system of design and manufacturing (according to the standards), there are contradictions. Therefore, the invention is difficult to implement. invention design manufacturing Lets carry out a structural analysis of the system of inventions development and implementation.
4 Customer Planning and Design Bureau Factory Research Institute University Grants Academy of science inventions As is: A level of supersystem. inventions Customer Factory
5 Thus, between science and industry, there are obstacles to the implementation of inventions. Goals and objectives of university education and science are weakly connected with the requirements of production. Technical contradiction (systemic, organizational): The organizational structure of the system "science - production" does not match (contradicts) with targets the implementation of inventions. Goals and objectives of universities and businesses are different. We apply standard techniques: PRINCIPLE OF TAKING OUT : Lets separate from the subsystem "University" only nessesary part - technical higher schools, focused on maintenance and improvement of production. PRINCIPLE OF LOCAL QUALITY : Each institution must be in the conditions most corresponding to its intended use.
6 theoretical science technical higher school To be: A level of supersystem. Academy of science Grants University Research Institute Planning and Design Bureau Customer Factory inventions
7 But this is not a complete solution. Obstacles between science and industry are more complex organizational. Therefore requires a systems analysis of the entire structure, and subsystems. Administrative contradiction (at production): Many specialists in the production (of which often - managers) have negative attitude towards the invention, since they require new resources, changes in the structure of production and management, lead to conflicts with the statutory requirements. Consequences: Efforts TRIZ specialists focused on the creation of invention, but not on their implementation; There is no demand - orders from production; No accounting of practical real conditions in the formulation of invention.
8 Consequences: There is no system of innovations implementation - the organization of rapid changes in the structure of production, standards (with security guarantees). No planning resource support innovation. In other words - There is no system of management of innovation processes in the system design - production. Technical contradiction 1: Inventions come "out of the plan." For their implementation requires resources, but such costs are usually nowhere planned. Technical contradiction 2: The invention lead to conflicts with statutory requirements. Technical contradiction 3: Implementation of invention often requires changes in the structure of production and management.
9 How to resolve these contradictions? Lets carry out a functional analysis of the design process at the stage of conceptual technical proposal. It is at this stage are possible the most significant innovative changes of project. Lets build a functional model that provides the processes of formulating and solving inventive problems. So, will plan the creation and implementation of inventions in advance.
10 Diagram of a functional model for conceptual design of the technical proposal for innovative production development of conceptual technical proposal
11 development of technical specifications formulation of inventive problems solving of inventive problems forming of conceptual technical proposal development of conceptual technical proposal
12 development of technical specifications Analysis of the external environment Construction of the primary functional model Search and analysis of similar systems Formulation of technical specifications Coordination of technical specifications with customer
13 Formulation of administrative contradiction Formulation of technical contradictions Formulation of phisical contradictions Formulation of ideal final result Analysis of laws development formulation of inventive problems
14 solving of inventive problems solving on ARIZ in operational stage solving of problem on ARIZ in s ynthetic stage Formulation of technical specifications Coordination of technical specifications with customer
15 forming of conceptual technical proposal Construction of a functional model of the system Construction of a first structural model of the system Construction of a first inform.- logical model of the system forming of conceptual technical proposal Coordination with customer
16 Proposal to solving problem of the practical application of inventions: As part of the QMS (Quality Management Systems) of Company shall be provided processes of the organization of inventive problem solving and implementation (as in developing new products, and in analysis, upgrading or re-engineering the company) Is essential not only ARIZ, but its sequel - algorithm of initial preparation of design model (conceptual technical proposal). Appropriate techniques should be natural and understandable so that they can be implemented at a level of the standard. However, they should not restrict the freedom creativity, but give contribute to the organization of the creative process. In other words, Should be strictly regulated less the technology of the creative process much as its organization, and automation of the intellectual resources.
17 Thank you for attention
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