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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемГалина Секретарева
2 A B
3 C D
4 E
5 A
6 B
7 C
8 D
9 E
10 THE PASSIVE Active: Hyundai produces new models of cars. subject verb object Passive: New models of cars are produced by Hyundai. subject verb Active: Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. subject verb object Passive: Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming. subject verb
11 FORM PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVEPAST SIMPLE PASSIVE am is + past participle are Positive was were + past participle am not (m not) is not (isnt) + past participle are not (arent) Negative was not (wasnt) were not (werent) + past participle am is + subject + past participle…? Questions was were + subject + past participle…?
12 I love my computer you make me feel alright every working hour and in my leisure time I love my computer for all you give to me predictable errors and no identity and it's never been quite so easy I've never been quite so happy all I need to do is click on you click on you is all I need to do I love my computer My Computer
13 Label the parts of a computer tower screen keyboard mouse pad mouseCD
14 AB 1 senda a printout 2 downloadb the net 3 surfc an 4 installd a programme 5 makee information
15 Homework. p. 89, Ex.3(a,b)
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