a) Take three bananas and an apple. b) Wash the fruit. c) Cut it into pieces. d) Add some lemon juice. e) Mix with cream. f) Add some tomatoes. g) Put. - презентация

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Презентация на тему: " a) Take three bananas and an apple. b) Wash the fruit. c) Cut it into pieces. d) Add some lemon juice. e) Mix with cream. f) Add some tomatoes. g) Put." — Транскрипт:

Скачать бесплатно презентацию на тему "a) Take three bananas and an apple. b) Wash the fruit. c) Cut it into pieces. d) Add some lemon juice. e) Mix with cream. f) Add some tomatoes. g) Put." в формате .ppt (PowerPoint)

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a) Take three bananas and an apple. b) Wash the fruit. c) Cut it into pieces. d) Add some lemon juice. e) Mix with cream. f) Add some tomatoes. g) Put. - презентация

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Презентация на тему: " a) Take three bananas and an apple. b) Wash the fruit. c) Cut it into pieces. d) Add some lemon juice. e) Mix with cream. f) Add some tomatoes. g) Put." — Транскрипт:

Скачать бесплатно презентацию на тему "a) Take three bananas and an apple. b) Wash the fruit. c) Cut it into pieces. d) Add some lemon juice. e) Mix with cream. f) Add some tomatoes. g) Put." в формате .ppt (PowerPoint)

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