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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемТатьяна Яхьева
1 «When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life»
6 PRESENTATIONS A A rrrr hhhh iiii pppp oooo vvvv aaaa A A A A nnnn gggg eeee llll iiii nnnn aaaa SSSS tttt oooo llll yyyy aaaa rrrr cccc hhhh uuuu kkkk V V V V aaaa llll eeee nnnn tttt iiii nnnn aaaa B B B B oooo rrrr oooo dddd iiii nnnn aaaa L L L L iiii zzzz aaaa L L uuuu kkkk iiii nnnn aaaa A A A A nnnn nnnn aaaa
8 The Tower of London is … a) m useum b) a circus c) a port
9 Big Ben is a name of … a) t he watch b) t he clock c) t he monument
10 London is the capital of... a) R ussia b) G reat Britain c) S cotland
11 There are... beautiful fountains in the Trafalgar Square. a) 4 b) 8 c) 2
12 St.Pauls Cathedral is one of the greatest English... a) p arks b) c hurches c) m onuments
13 London is situated... a) o n the river Thames b) o n the river Avon c) f ar from the sea
14 There are always black... in the Tower of London. a) d ogs b) d ucks c) r avens
15 The Queen of England lives in... a) K remlin b) S t.P.Cathedral c) B uckingham Palace
16 Where can you see the statue of Admiral Nelson? a) i n Trafalgar Square b) i n the Tower c) n ear the Houses of Parliament
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