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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемАнна Вельмукина
2 On what continent is the USA situated?
3 How many states are there in the USA?
4 What oceans is the USA washed by?
5 What is the capital of the USA?
6 Is Washington and Washington D.C. the same place?
7 What is the name of the river on which Washington D.C. is situated?
8 What is name of the biggest state in the USA?
9 What is the biggest river in the USA?
10 What are Americans proud of?
11 Retell the text according to the plan 1. The name of the object 2. The date it was founded (opened) 3. Main characteristics 4. What does the object symbolize? 5. The usage of the object 6. Additional information
12 The Statue of Liberty
13 The Empire State Building
14 The United States Capitol
15 What American city is called The Big Apple?
17 USA Quiz - Answers 1b - The USA is a federal union of 50 independent states. 2a - The most recent state to join the union was Hawaii. 3c - Gwyneth Paltrow not a US Citizen. 4b - The United States of America is bigger than Brazil. 5b - In the USA the laws are different in every state. 6d - Most of the population of the mainland USA lives on the east and west coasts. 7b - George Washington was the first President of the USA. 8c - At the time of the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was president. 9d - President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. 10b - The President of the USA lives in Pennsylvania Avenue.
18 What places in the United States of America would you like to visit? Why?
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