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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемЛеонид Выжлецов
1 People speak English all over the world
2 Choose the reasons for learning English English is necessary for communication with people when you are abroad. Learning foreign languages takes too much time. There are many newspapers and radio programmes in Russian- there is no need in reading newspapers and listening to radio programmes in English. When you listen to songs in English, its better to understand the words. When you are abroad as a tourist, the guide helps in all situations and explains everything in Russian. If you know English you can get information from different newspapers and radio stations. Watching English and American films in the original is more interesting than watching them in translation. Most of interesting films are translated in Russian. Learning English is interesting and exciting. When people listen to foreign songs, they enjoy the music and they dont need words.
3 What do people need English for?
4 People speak English all over the world
5 The capital of the USA is Washington
6 Canberra The capital of Australia is
7 Wellington The capital of New Zealand is
8 Ottawa The capital of Canada is
9 London The capital of the UK is
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