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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемГаля Шпитонова
1 Lets play Данная презентация может быть использована для проведения урока- игры в конце 2 четверти. Группа делится по усмотрению учителя на 2-4 команды, каждой из которых предлагается выполнить ряд занимательных заданий. Цель урока: повторить и закрепить лексико-грамматические знания ( степени сравнения прилагательных, прошедшее простое время, вторую форму неправильных глаголов) Составила : Кавиева М. Д., учитель английского языка МОУ лицей « РИТМ » г. Хабаровск, 2008
2 В подготовке презентации использованы картинки с сайта
3 Soon we will celebrate the New Years Day. What is the holiday like? Beautiful 4 great 2 Wonderful 1 Nice 3
4 Let's decorate the New Year Tree. Crackers Bells Baubles Snowflakes Stars
5 Match the verbs and make up sentences. Do Made Did Come Was Make Be Saw See Put Came Put
6 Make the new words up? Ekwe Hoolsc Raey Ummers satudray Onthm Ertniw Astl Week School Year Summer Saturday Month Winter Last
7 Read, and find out the mistakes 1.Last week I watch the birds in the park. 2.Every day we goes to school. 3.A week ago I were in Britain in mountains. 4.There was many snow last winter. 5.It was very cold and frosty now. 6.They go to the park last Sunday. 7.Last night I see a wonderful dream. Watch-watched Goes-go Were-was Many-much Was-is Go-went See-saw
8 Guess a word A S H O L IDY
9 What did the Father Frost write? Be healthy and happy Your father frost Dear children Happy New Year I wish you fun And a lot of presents Dear children! Happy New Year! I wish you fun and a lot of presents. Be healthy and happy. Your Father Frost.
10 Поставить глагол в Past Simple 1.My mother (to like) this picture. My mother liked this picture. 2. We (to see) Kate yesterday. We saw Kate yesterday. 3.Mrs. Chatter (to get a letter). Mrs. Chatter got a letter. 4.It (to be) cold yesterday. It was cold yesterday.
11 Поставить глагол в Past Simple 5. There (to be) some books on the table. There were some books on the table. 6. The farm house (to be) big. The farm house was big. 7. Jane (to go) to the country last year. Jane went to the country last year. 8. John (give) me flowers yesterday. John gave me flowers yesterday.
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