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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемДарья Белоглазова
1 Sergey Witte - the great Russian reformer and economist
2 General information Sergei Yulyevich Witte (29 June 1849 – 13 March 1915), also known as Sergius Witte, was a highly influential policy-maker who presided over extensive industrialization within the Russian Empire. He served under the last two emperors of Russia. [1] He was also the author of the October Manifesto of 1905, a precursor to Russia's first constitution, and Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Prime Minister) of the Russian Empire.industrializationRussian Empire [1]October ManifestoconstitutionPrime Minister
3 Family and early life Witte's father Julius Witte had been member of the knighthood of the City of Pskov. He finished Gymnasium I in Kishinev and continued studying Physico-Mathematical Sciences at the Novorossiysk University in Odessa in 1866 graduating top of his class in 1870PskovNovorossiysk UniversityOdessa Witte worked for the greater part of the 1870s and 1880 in Ukraine, where he was in charge of the Odessa Railway. After a wreck on the Odessa Railway Witte was arrested and sentenced to four months in prison. In 1879, Witte accepted a post in St. Petersburg.1883, he published a paper, in which he also spoke out on social issues and the role of the monarchy.Around this time, he met Tsar Alexander III, but came into conflict with the Tsar's ideas,he warned of the danger in using two powerful freight locomotives. His warnings were proven in the October 1888, which resulted in the appointment of Witte to the position of Director of State Railways.St. PetersburgAlexander III
4 Career with the Finance Ministry Witte served as the Finance Ministry from 1889 to 1891; and during this period, he oversaw an ambitious program of railway construction which included the building of the Trans-Siberian Railway In 1889, he published a paper titled "National Savings and Friedrich List", which cited the economic theories of Friedrich List and justified the need for a strong domestic industry, protected from foreign competition by customs barriers. This resulted in a new customs law for Russia in 1891, which spurred an increase in industrialization in Russia towards the turn of the century.Trans-Siberian RailwayFriedrich List
5 Political career At August 1892, Witte was appointed to the post of Minister of Finance, a post which he held for the next 11 years. During this time, he greatly accelerated the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. He also paid much attention to the creation of an educational system to train industry, in particular, the creation of new "commercial" schools. In 1894, he concluded a 10-year commercial treaty with the Empire of Germany on good terms for Russia.. In 1895, he established a state monopoly on alcohol, which became a major source of revenue for the Russian governmentEmpire of Germanystate monopoly
6 reforms In 1897, Witte undertook a major currency reform to place the Russian ruble on the gold standard. This led to increased investment activity and an increase in the inflow of foreign capital. Witte also enacted a law limiting working hours in enterprises in 1897, and reformed commercial and industrial taxes in he reform of the peasant community. This resulted in laws abolishing collective responsibility, and facilitated the resettlement of farmers onto lands on the outskirts of the Empire. From 1903, Tsar Nicholas II transferred Witte to the position of chairman of the Committee of Ministers, a position he held until 1906 While officially a promotion, the post had no real power, and Witte's removal from the influential post of Minister of Finance was engineered under the pressure from the landed gentry and his political enemies within the government. However, one historian states that Witte's opposition to Russian designs on Korea caused him to resign from government in 1903currency reformRussian rublegold standardNicholas IICommittee of MinistersKorea
7 Diplomatic career Witte negotiates peace with Japan after the war. Successful negotiations for Russia and the soft environment of the world Witte returned to the diplomatic elite close to the king. also held talks with the workers after their revolt in Witte advocated the creation of an elected parliament, the formation of a constitutional monarchy and the establishment of the Bill of Rights through the October Manifesto
8 Thank you for your attention
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