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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемВиктор Тужилкин
2 Today we are going to repeat all the words make up a room act out short dialogues work with grammar (there is/there are) read a text do a test
3 My room I see a room, The room is light. I see a wall, The wall is white. I see a wardrobe and a bed. I see a carpet, it is red. I see a cupboard and a shelf, I like the room myself
4 Do you like your flat? Rooms a kitchen a dining room a living room a bedroom Furniture a cooker a cupboard a chair a table a wardrobe a picture a carpet an armchair a sofa a poster flowers a bed a bookshelf a computer a desk
5 What is it ? How many rooms are there in the house? What rooms are there upstairs and what rooms are there downstairs?
6 H e has got a new flat There is an armchair on the left of the door. There is a sofa between two armchairs. There is a bookcase on the right of the door. There is a carpet and the table in the middle of the room. There are two chairs near the table. There is a TV in the left of the window.
8 Lets have some rest
9 1. Their flat is on the ______ floor. fifth third second ground Test
10 2. The _____ is the largest room in the flat. dinning room kitchen living room bathroom
11 chair stool table wall unit 3 There is a piano and ______ before it.
12 4. ________ two large windows there is a little table with a TV set on it. in front of in the middle of to the left of between
13 5. The kitchen is very _______ and their family likes to have dinner together. cosy comfortable small large
14 English proverbs about home There is no place like home «Нет места краше дома» East or West, home is best «В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше» My house is my castle «Мой дом – моя крепость»
15 Презентация подготовлена для урока английского языка учителем первой квалификационной категорией МБОУ Тогучинского района Горновской СОШ Устюжаниной Ольгой Юрьевной
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