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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемГлеб Тремасов
1 After rain comes fair weather После ненастья наступает хорошая погода
2 Seasons and Weather
3 When the weather is wet We must not fret. When the weather is cold We must not scold. When the weather is warm, We must not storm. But be thankful together Whatever the weather.
4 When the weather is … We must not fret. When the weather is cold We must not... When the weather is warm, We … not storm. But … thankful together Whatever the...
5 365 days = YEAR
6 3 months = SEASON
7 30 or 31 days = MONTH
8 24 hours = DAY
9 60 minutes = HOUR
10 60 seconds = MINUTE
11 A year has four seasons S P R I N G S U M M E R A U T U M N W I N T E R
12 Every season has three months SPRING MARCH APRIL MAY
16 The weather can be: Теплая – Жаркая - Холодная - Ветреная - Дождливая – Морозная – Снежная – Солнечная- Облачная- WARM HOT COLD WINDY RAINY FROSTY SNOWY SUNNY CLOUDY I think that the weather is … in …
17 The Sun shine
18 The sky cloud To be covered with
19 icicle melt
20 rain It rains
21 snow It snows
22 The год is divided into four seasons – they are весна, лето, осень and зима. When winter comes it is холодно outside. Lakes and Rivers быть frozen and sometimes покрытыми with slippery ice now. Then весна comes and the погода becomes теплая. Небо is blue. Then осень comes. The days get shorter and the nights longer. Leaves begin to fall from the trees and идет дождь. It rains, weather, autumn, the sky, are covered, spring, cold, summer, winter, year, warm.
23 The year is divided into four seasons – they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. When winter comes it cold outside. Lakes and Rivers are frozen and sometimes covered with slippery ice now. Then spring comes and the weather becomes warm. The sky is blue. Then autumn comes. The days get shorter and the nights longer. Leaves begin to fall from the trees and it rains.
24 Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white.
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