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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемАнтонина Яманова
1 Dissemination 2009 ICT4UM Quality Control Meeting June 22, 2009 St. Petersburg Speaker:Alexey Skuratov Deputy Director SIIT&T Informika
2 2 Dissemination Conferences, seminars, meetings Publications (the printed media) Publications (the Internet )
3 3 May 22 – 29, Turkey International scientific conference New Information Technology & Quality Management Speaker:Tikhonov A.N. (SIIT&T "Informika" Director) May, 2009
4 4 May 26 – 30, St. Petersburg, Russia International Forum Information-communication technologies and higher education – priorities of modern society development Speaker:Skuratov A.K. (SIIT&T "Informika" Deputy Director) ICT4UM project: goals and targets activities results ICT4UM center Recommendations for UNESCO (will be presented in UNESCO conference, July, Paris) May, 2009
5 5 June, 2009 June 22 – 25, St. Petersburg, Russia XVI All-Russian methodological conference TELEMATIKA Speakers:Skuratov A.K. (SIIT&T "Informika) Ruzanova N.S. (PetrSU) Girenko F.I. (TvSU) Gromov G.Y. (SPbSU ITMO)
6 6 July, 2009 July 5 – 15, Irkutsk – Baikal, Russia XIV Baikal All-Russian conference Information and Mathematical Technology in Science and Management Speaker:Girenko F.I. (TvSU)
7 7 September, 2009 September 21 – 24, Volgograd, Russia International conference Information technologies in education, engineering and medicine Speaker:Skuratov A.K. (SIIT&T "Informika)
8 8 September, 2009 September 27 – 29, Moscow, Russia III International conference on e-learning education MOSCOW Education Online Speaker:Skuratov A.K. (SIIT&T "Informika)
9 9 September, 2009 September, Petrozavodsk, Russia III All-Russian theoretical and practical conference University Infomedia in the XXI century Speaker:Ruzanova N.S. (PetrSU)
10 10 September – October, 2009 September 29 – October 2, Moscow, Russia All-Russian Forum Education Environment Speaker:Skuratov A.K. (SIIT&T "Informika)
11 11 October, 2009 October 1 – 10, Sochi, Russia VI theoretical and practical conference Innovations under information and communication technology development Speaker:Retinskaya I.V. (SIIT&T "Informika)
12 12 November, 2009 November 5 – 7, Moscow, Russia VI Annual international conference-exhibition Information technology in education Speaker:Skuratov A.K. (SIIT&T "Informika)
13 13 November, 2009 November, Moscow, Russia All-Russian scientific and technical workshop Information technology in education. Theory and practice Speaker:Skuratov A.K. (SIIT&T "Informika)
14 14 December, 2009 Final ICT4UM project meeting Petrozavodsk Tver
17 17 Publications: Major project results in: 1.Methodological journal Informatization of education and science 2.Quality Innovations Education 3.Theoretical and practical journal on information technology in education Open education 4.Tutorial (with the assistance of other consortium members ) 5.Final publication
18 18 The Internet Russian Education Single window ICT in Education
19 19 The Internet: educational resources In German In Russian
20 20 The Internet: educational resources In Spanish In Russian
21 Dissemination 2009 ICT4UM Quality Control Meeting June 22, 2009 St. Petersburg Speaker:Alexey Skuratov Deputy Director SIIT&T Informika THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
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