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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемФедор Ростовцев
2 Цели урока: Ознакомление учащихся с биографией и творчеством У. Шекспира. Закрепление знаний учащихся по теме Past Simple. Обучение составлению диалогов на основе прочитанного текста. Задачи: Ознакомить учащихся с биографией и творчеством знаменитого английского писателя и драматурга У. Шекспира. Повторить и закрепить форму Past Simple неправильных глаголов. Практиковать диалогическую речь.
3 Ход урока: 1. Подготовительный этап. 2. Повторение пройденного материала. 3. Изложение нового материала. 4. Применение полученных теоретичес- ких знаний на практике (составление диалогов). 5. Тест. 6. Домашнее задание. 7. Заключительный этап.
4 Проверочная работа: Write The Past Simple forms of the verbs: 1 вариант 2 вариант Write Be Think Read Think Read Do Break Do Break Get Find Get Find Come Teach Come Teach Learn Study Learn Study Play Open Play Open
5 About William Shakespeare. W. Shakespeare, the greatest and most famous English writer and playwright was born on the 23th of April, 1564, in a small English town Stratford-on-Avon in a family of a glove-maker.
6 At the age of 6 to 13 he studied at the grammar school. When the boy studied at school he had no free time. When he had a rest William liked to go to the forest and to the river Avon.
7 At that time actors and actresses visited Stratford-on-Avon. William liked to watch them. He was fond of their profession and he decided to become an actor. When he was 21 he went to London. There he became an actor. He began to write plays too. Shakespeare was both an actor and a playwright.
8 Shakespeare worked in a theatre called Globe and he performed many of his plays there. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 10 tragedies (such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth), 17 comedies (such as As you like it, Twelfth Night), 10 historical plays (such as Henry 4, Richard 3). He also left 7 books of poems. His plays and poems have been published in many languages. They are well known among people. Shakespeare worked in a theatre called Globe and he performed many of his plays there. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 10 tragedies (such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth), 17 comedies (such as As you like it, Twelfth Night), 10 historical plays (such as Henry 4, Richard 3). He also left 7 books of poems. His plays and poems have been published in many languages. They are well known among people.
9 We dont know a lot of facts of Shakespeares life. We can only guess what kind of man he was, thats why there are many legends about his life. Shakespeare spent the last years of his life at Stratford, where he died on the same date as his birthday, the 23th of April, He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument was erected to the memory of the great playwright in the Poets Corner in Westminster Abbey.
10 Act the dialogues. S1: Say that you read a tragedy of w. Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet yesterday. S2: Say that w. Shakespeare was a great writer and playwright and you also liked his plays. S1: Ask S2 if he knows something about the writer. S2: Say that he wrote tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets. S1: Ask what other works you could read. S2: Say that you can recommend to read Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, King Lear, Othello. S1: Say that youll go to the library right now and take something of W. Shakespeare to read. S2: Say that youll go with him/her because you need a book of sonnets of W. Shakespeare. Act the dialogues. S1: Say that you read a tragedy of w. Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet yesterday. S2: Say that w. Shakespeare was a great writer and playwright and you also liked his plays. S1: Ask S2 if he knows something about the writer. S2: Say that he wrote tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets. S1: Ask what other works you could read. S2: Say that you can recommend to read Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, King Lear, Othello. S1: Say that youll go to the library right now and take something of W. Shakespeare to read. S2: Say that youll go with him/her because you need a book of sonnets of W. Shakespeare.
11 Test. Прочитать предложения и выбрать правильные варианты ответов. 1. W. Shakespeare was born in… A. April B. May C. March. 2. W.Shakespeare was born in…A. Cardiff B. London C. Stratford 3. He studied at a… A. grammar school B. lyceum C. university. 4. William liked … A. to study B. to work C. to watch actors. 5. His father was … A. dress-maker B. glove-maker C. shoe-maker 6. Shakespeare went to … at the age of 21. A.London B.New York 7. He wrote … A. tragedies, novels, historical plays, poems and sonnets B. tragedies, comedies C. tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets D. tragedies, poems and novels. 8. His theatre was called … A. Earth B. Globe C. Map 9. Shakespeare died in … A. Stratford B. London C. Cardiff 10. Shakespeare died in … A. April B. May C. March D. August Test. Прочитать предложения и выбрать правильные варианты ответов. 1. W. Shakespeare was born in… A. April B. May C. March. 2. W.Shakespeare was born in…A. Cardiff B. London C. Stratford 3. He studied at a… A. grammar school B. lyceum C. university. 4. William liked … A. to study B. to work C. to watch actors. 5. His father was … A. dress-maker B. glove-maker C. shoe-maker 6. Shakespeare went to … at the age of 21. A.London B.New York 7. He wrote … A. tragedies, novels, historical plays, poems and sonnets B. tragedies, comedies C. tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets D. tragedies, poems and novels. 8. His theatre was called … A. Earth B. Globe C. Map 9. Shakespeare died in … A. Stratford B. London C. Cardiff 10. Shakespeare died in … A. April B. May C. March D. August
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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемФедор Ростовцев
2 Цели урока: Ознакомление учащихся с биографией и творчеством У. Шекспира. Закрепление знаний учащихся по теме Past Simple. Обучение составлению диалогов на основе прочитанного текста. Задачи: Ознакомить учащихся с биографией и творчеством знаменитого английского писателя и драматурга У. Шекспира. Повторить и закрепить форму Past Simple неправильных глаголов. Практиковать диалогическую речь.
3 Ход урока: 1. Подготовительный этап. 2. Повторение пройденного материала. 3. Изложение нового материала. 4. Применение полученных теоретичес- ких знаний на практике (составление диалогов). 5. Тест. 6. Домашнее задание. 7. Заключительный этап.
4 Проверочная работа: Write The Past Simple forms of the verbs: 1 вариант 2 вариант Write Be Think Read Think Read Do Break Do Break Get Find Get Find Come Teach Come Teach Learn Study Learn Study Play Open Play Open
5 About William Shakespeare. W. Shakespeare, the greatest and most famous English writer and playwright was born on the 23th of April, 1564, in a small English town Stratford-on-Avon in a family of a glove-maker.
6 At the age of 6 to 13 he studied at the grammar school. When the boy studied at school he had no free time. When he had a rest William liked to go to the forest and to the river Avon.
7 At that time actors and actresses visited Stratford-on-Avon. William liked to watch them. He was fond of their profession and he decided to become an actor. When he was 21 he went to London. There he became an actor. He began to write plays too. Shakespeare was both an actor and a playwright.
8 Shakespeare worked in a theatre called Globe and he performed many of his plays there. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 10 tragedies (such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth), 17 comedies (such as As you like it, Twelfth Night), 10 historical plays (such as Henry 4, Richard 3). He also left 7 books of poems. His plays and poems have been published in many languages. They are well known among people. Shakespeare worked in a theatre called Globe and he performed many of his plays there. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 10 tragedies (such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth), 17 comedies (such as As you like it, Twelfth Night), 10 historical plays (such as Henry 4, Richard 3). He also left 7 books of poems. His plays and poems have been published in many languages. They are well known among people.
9 We dont know a lot of facts of Shakespeares life. We can only guess what kind of man he was, thats why there are many legends about his life. Shakespeare spent the last years of his life at Stratford, where he died on the same date as his birthday, the 23th of April, He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument was erected to the memory of the great playwright in the Poets Corner in Westminster Abbey.
10 Act the dialogues. S1: Say that you read a tragedy of w. Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet yesterday. S2: Say that w. Shakespeare was a great writer and playwright and you also liked his plays. S1: Ask S2 if he knows something about the writer. S2: Say that he wrote tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets. S1: Ask what other works you could read. S2: Say that you can recommend to read Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, King Lear, Othello. S1: Say that youll go to the library right now and take something of W. Shakespeare to read. S2: Say that youll go with him/her because you need a book of sonnets of W. Shakespeare. Act the dialogues. S1: Say that you read a tragedy of w. Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet yesterday. S2: Say that w. Shakespeare was a great writer and playwright and you also liked his plays. S1: Ask S2 if he knows something about the writer. S2: Say that he wrote tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets. S1: Ask what other works you could read. S2: Say that you can recommend to read Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, King Lear, Othello. S1: Say that youll go to the library right now and take something of W. Shakespeare to read. S2: Say that youll go with him/her because you need a book of sonnets of W. Shakespeare.
11 Test. Прочитать предложения и выбрать правильные варианты ответов. 1. W. Shakespeare was born in… A. April B. May C. March. 2. W.Shakespeare was born in…A. Cardiff B. London C. Stratford 3. He studied at a… A. grammar school B. lyceum C. university. 4. William liked … A. to study B. to work C. to watch actors. 5. His father was … A. dress-maker B. glove-maker C. shoe-maker 6. Shakespeare went to … at the age of 21. A.London B.New York 7. He wrote … A. tragedies, novels, historical plays, poems and sonnets B. tragedies, comedies C. tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets D. tragedies, poems and novels. 8. His theatre was called … A. Earth B. Globe C. Map 9. Shakespeare died in … A. Stratford B. London C. Cardiff 10. Shakespeare died in … A. April B. May C. March D. August Test. Прочитать предложения и выбрать правильные варианты ответов. 1. W. Shakespeare was born in… A. April B. May C. March. 2. W.Shakespeare was born in…A. Cardiff B. London C. Stratford 3. He studied at a… A. grammar school B. lyceum C. university. 4. William liked … A. to study B. to work C. to watch actors. 5. His father was … A. dress-maker B. glove-maker C. shoe-maker 6. Shakespeare went to … at the age of 21. A.London B.New York 7. He wrote … A. tragedies, novels, historical plays, poems and sonnets B. tragedies, comedies C. tragedies, comedies, historical plays, poems and sonnets D. tragedies, poems and novels. 8. His theatre was called … A. Earth B. Globe C. Map 9. Shakespeare died in … A. Stratford B. London C. Cardiff 10. Shakespeare died in … A. April B. May C. March D. August
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