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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемИлья Чмыхов
1 Tallinn Nikita Sherbakov Ruben Airapetyan British Holidays Teacher: Elena Soshina
2 Hello lets introduce ourselves,my full name is Nikita Sherbakov and my name is Ruben Airapetyan.We are from 8b class. We have chosen English as an exam, because we need English in our future and we like travelling abroad Tallinn 20102
3 To learn to work individually and in a group. To improve our skills of English language. To find the necessary information in variors internet sources Tallinn 20103
4 Tallinn 20104
5 1)What is this video about? This video is about St.Valentine's day. 2)When do people celebrate St. Valentine's day? People celebrate it on the 14 th of February every year. 3)What can we present? We can present a box of chocolates and a congratulatory card Tallinn 20105
6 5 verbs: to admire( восхищаться ),to respect( уважать ), to cherish( лелеять ), to treat( обращаться ),to adore( обожать ). 5 nouns: leather( кожа ), performance( работа, выполнение ), appreciation( оценка ), value( ценность ), hikers( путешественники ), pastries( печенье ). 5 adjectives: certain( уверенный ),delicious( восхитительный ),boring( скучный ), beautiful( красивый ), interesting( интересный ) Tallinn 20106
7 Video Tallinn 20107
8 Crossword Tallinn 20108
9 Soshina Elena Vikultseva Galina Tallinn 20109
10 Tallinn
11 junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/holidays.html All about British Holidays junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/holidays.html gif Question(image) gif Vocabulary(image) yer_embedded Video yer_embedded Video(image) content/uploads/2009/10/WeboWords-Weekly-Crossword- 36.JPG Crossword(image) content/uploads/2009/10/WeboWords-Weekly-Crossword- 36.JPG Thank you(image) Tallinn
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