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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемАнтонина Шадринцева
1 Bodyguards and vets
2 bodyguard to protect politician to be guarded the United States Secret Service agent important dangerous to be prepared own life bullet-proof vest client to avoid wherever to produce circus to treat guinea pig sick to bite to kick to scratch to have to do something disease to get hurt
3 Complete the sentences: 1)Animals are ………………………… 2)Some farmers ……………………. 3)We watch lions ………………….. 4)For people, who ………………….. 5)Vets treat ………………… 6)Some vets even …………………….. 7)Vets have to be …………………. 8)Because the sick animal ………………. 9) The vets have to learn ………………….. 10) Also they have to learn …………………..
4 Fill in the verbs: keep, watch, treat, have, ride, scratch, gets hurt, have to, produce, kick, love, learn, bite. 1)Animals are very important to people. We …. dogs and cats as pets. 2)Some farmers … sheep and cows to … meat and milk. 3) We … horses. 4) We … lions and tigers at the circus. 5) For people who … animals working as a vet is an ideal job. 6) Vets … many kinds of animals such as dogs, cats, guinea pigs, horses, even Zoo animals- tigers and giraffes. 7) Vets … be careful when they treat sick animal. 8)Because it can …, …, or … them. 9) The vets have to … about different diseases and how to treat animals so that neither the vet nor the animal ….
5 Fill in the words: 1.The world we live in can be a ………………. one. 2.Some people need a ……………. to ……….. them and their families. 3.The president of the ………..goes everywhere with …………. 4.Good bodyguards are …….. to risk their lives to protect their clients. 5.Some of bodyguards wear ………………..s. 6.Bodyguards teach their clients to ……… dangerous situations. 7.They …… with their clients …….. they go.
6 English 1)The world we live in can be a dangerous one. 2) Some people need to have a bodyguard. 3) Politicians in almost all countries are guarded by bodyguards. 4) A bodyguard is a dangerous job. 5) Good bodyguards are prepared to risk their own lives to protect their clients. 6) The bodyguards usually stay with their clients wherever they go. 7) They can protect their clients homes and offices. 8) Some of them wear bullet-proof vests. Russian a)Телохранитель-опасная профессия. b)Некоторые из них носят пуленепробиваемые жилеты. c)Мир, в котором мы живем может быть опасен. d)Они могут защитить их дома и офисы. e)Некоторые люди нуждаются в телохранителях. f)Хорошие телохранители готовы рисковать своими жизнями, чтобы защитить своих клиентов. g)Телохранители обычно остаются с клиентами, куда бы они не пошли. h)Политики почти во всех странах охраняются телохранителями.
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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемАнтонина Шадринцева
1 Bodyguards and vets
2 bodyguard to protect politician to be guarded the United States Secret Service agent important dangerous to be prepared own life bullet-proof vest client to avoid wherever to produce circus to treat guinea pig sick to bite to kick to scratch to have to do something disease to get hurt
3 Complete the sentences: 1)Animals are ………………………… 2)Some farmers ……………………. 3)We watch lions ………………….. 4)For people, who ………………….. 5)Vets treat ………………… 6)Some vets even …………………….. 7)Vets have to be …………………. 8)Because the sick animal ………………. 9) The vets have to learn ………………….. 10) Also they have to learn …………………..
4 Fill in the verbs: keep, watch, treat, have, ride, scratch, gets hurt, have to, produce, kick, love, learn, bite. 1)Animals are very important to people. We …. dogs and cats as pets. 2)Some farmers … sheep and cows to … meat and milk. 3) We … horses. 4) We … lions and tigers at the circus. 5) For people who … animals working as a vet is an ideal job. 6) Vets … many kinds of animals such as dogs, cats, guinea pigs, horses, even Zoo animals- tigers and giraffes. 7) Vets … be careful when they treat sick animal. 8)Because it can …, …, or … them. 9) The vets have to … about different diseases and how to treat animals so that neither the vet nor the animal ….
5 Fill in the words: 1.The world we live in can be a ………………. one. 2.Some people need a ……………. to ……….. them and their families. 3.The president of the ………..goes everywhere with …………. 4.Good bodyguards are …….. to risk their lives to protect their clients. 5.Some of bodyguards wear ………………..s. 6.Bodyguards teach their clients to ……… dangerous situations. 7.They …… with their clients …….. they go.
6 English 1)The world we live in can be a dangerous one. 2) Some people need to have a bodyguard. 3) Politicians in almost all countries are guarded by bodyguards. 4) A bodyguard is a dangerous job. 5) Good bodyguards are prepared to risk their own lives to protect their clients. 6) The bodyguards usually stay with their clients wherever they go. 7) They can protect their clients homes and offices. 8) Some of them wear bullet-proof vests. Russian a)Телохранитель-опасная профессия. b)Некоторые из них носят пуленепробиваемые жилеты. c)Мир, в котором мы живем может быть опасен. d)Они могут защитить их дома и офисы. e)Некоторые люди нуждаются в телохранителях. f)Хорошие телохранители готовы рисковать своими жизнями, чтобы защитить своих клиентов. g)Телохранители обычно остаются с клиентами, куда бы они не пошли. h)Политики почти во всех странах охраняются телохранителями.
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