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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемЕлена Капитонова
1 Выполнил ученик 4 «Б» класса МБОУ СОШ 22 города Ульяновска Жуков Игорь
2 As you know children like toys. There are many toys. Girls like dolls, balls and skipping ropes. They like to play, to dress, to do hair, to do make up. But I am a boy. My name is Igor. And I want to say that boys like to run, to jump, to play computer games and to collect different cars.
3 I have got many different cars. Big and small, plastic and metal, white or different colors. The are old automobiles, lorries, race cars, fashionable cars. I started to collect them when my mother began to buy them for me from my birth. Every birthday I have a car for a present. My dream is to have a real car as a present when I am 20. I have got a lot of cars. I put them into a big box. I called it the garage. One day I counted my cars. There are ninety nine cars. But I wanted one hundred.
4 But soon it will be the first of September. My elder brother told me: Ill present you a car. I was glad. In the evening we went to the Supermarket Lenta so there was opening of it and I won the best car that I have. It was red, beautiful. Like a fashionable model. So now Ive got one hundred cars. I asked my parents, but they said :You have enough cars, you need new jeans. I asked my grandparents to buy a car, but they said: You need new boots. I asked aunts and uncles, but they said: You need books, a new bag, pencils and pens.
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