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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемВалентина Мельникова
2 Dirac equation Majorana equation
3 Л.Б.Окунь, обзор в УФН, т. 177, n.4 (2007 г.), 250 ссылок LRSM ( = Left-Right Symmetric Model ) Восстанавливает зеркальную симметрию при высоких энергиях и описывает механизм ее нарушения при низких Объясняет, почему известные нам нейтрино легкие, хотя и ненулевой массы (через See-Saw mechanism) Объясняет бариогенезис в ранней вселенной через лептогенезис Дает пищу для спекуляций о природе темной материи
5 Basic structure of the LRSM: Fundamental scalars (higgses) Lepton doublets Quark doublets
6 The value of is tightly bound by the parameter: thanks to the Yukawa term
7 The see-saw mass matrix of neutrinos
8 Analysis of contribution of right-handed currents to the K L - K S mass difference: W R mass > 1.6 TeV. But this lower limit is subject to large higher order QCD corrections. Direct search at D0 : W R mass > 750 GeV, assuming W R could decay to lepton or quark pairs (channel with heavy Mayorana neutrino was not considered) Experimental constraints Flavor Changing Neutral Currents
15 ContainerAlgorithmMuon type StacoMuonboystandalone Muonboystandalone extrapolated to the beam line takes into account the energy loss based on the material crossed in the calorimeter Stacocombined does a statistical combination of the inner and outer track vectors to obtain the combined track vector: MuTaginner detector with spectrometer tag defines a tag chi-square using the difference between any nearby segment and its prediction from the extrapolated track. MuidMoorestandalone Muidstandalone extrapolated to the beam line takes into account the calorimeter energy measurements if they are significantly larger than the most likely value and the muon appears to be isolated Muidcombined does a partial refit: it does not directly use the measurements from the inner track, but starts from the inner track vector and covariance matrix and adds the measurements from the outer track. The fit accounts for the material (multiple scattering and energy loss) and magnetic field in the calorimeter and muon spectrometer. MuGirlinner detector with spectrometer tag uses an artificial neural network to define a discriminant the tagged and combinedmuons do not overlap byconstruction overlaps between MuGirl and Muidmuons are removed by creating asingle muon when both have thesame inner detector track
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