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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемПетр Гандурин
2 Цель: Познакомиться с традициями Великобритании на примере празднования Рождества. Оценить свой уровень владения английским языком, применить знания и умения в новой ситуации
3 Topics for discussion:
5 It is the most important festival of the year. People celebrate the birth of Christ. Everyone starts to look for presents. Carol-singers can be heard on the streets. Most families decorate their houses and have a Christmas tree in the front room.
6 Everybody gives presents to relatives and friends. Children leave stockings at the end of their bed. Father Christmas come down the chimney during the night. Some children leave a drink and a mince pie for Father Christmas and some vegetables for his animals. All the family have special Christmas dinner.
7 After breakfast they open their presents around the tree. In the evening, people eat cold meat, and Christmas cake, fruits and nuts. Children leave a stocking for Father Christmas on Christmas Eve. Before they start to eat their dinner, they pull crackers. At 3 oclock, many people in Britain turn on their television. They usually wake up very early on Christmas Day.
8 Holly brings good luck! Putting a silver coin in the pudding is to bring wealth, health and happiness to whoever finds it. If spinster or bachelor finds a ring in the pudding, it means marriage.
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