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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемДарья Гонохова
1 Reported Speech Речь, в которой передается содержание того, что было кем - то сказано
2 Сначала нужно определить тип предложения и изменить местоимения по смыслу
3 She says that the weather is fine. Reported Speech ( positive sentences ) The weather is fine today.
4 Reported Speech Imperative Mood Give me more information ! He tells orders asks to givehimmore information.
5 General question Special question Questions in Reported Speech Do you like soft drink? Where is the UK situated?
6 General Questions in Reported Speech DO if asks wants to know wonders is interested you like soft drink ?. I
7 Special Questions in Reported Speech asks wants to know wonders is interested isthe UK?Wheresituated.
8 Now take your pencils and write the numbers of 1.positive sentences, 2.imperative mood, 3.general and 4.special questions
9 1.He suffered from headache. 5 What dairy products do you know? 2.Show me your tongue. 6.You will recover soon. 3. Where did you go last night? 7. Dont ride across the street!.. 4 Were you on a diet? 8. Have you done it today?
10 Если глагол, вводящий косвенную речь, употреблен в прошедшем времени ( Past Indefinite), said told asked wondered то в косвенной речи происходят следующие изменения:
11 Согласование времен
12 Прямая речь Косвенная речь Am Is Are Can Have Has Will Dont Didnt Was,were Was Were Could Had Would Didnt Hadnt V 3 Had been
13 Прямая речь Косвенная речь V 1 Break Cough V 2 Took Prescribed V 2 Broke Coughed Had V 3 Had taken Had prescribed
14 В утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях в косвенной речи происходят следующие изменения: now today tomorrow in two days ago last here this these yesterday then that day the next day two days later before the previous that those the day before there
15 Now, practice.
16 Shrek said that it was hot there. It is hot here.
17 Have you got anything else? Winny the Pooh asked if he had got something else.
18 Where has Jack gone today ? Penguin wondered where Jack had gone that day.
19 Fly with me ! The Bird asked to fly with her.
20 The Duck wondered who usually spoke definitely. Who usually speaks definitely?
21 How much did this dress cost yesterday? Cinderella asked how much that dress had cost the day before
22 He asked not to be afraid of him. Dont be afraid of me!
23 The dolphin asked if we liked that presentation. and if we had realized reported speech. Do you like this presentation? Have you realized reported speech?
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