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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемЗоя Галанина
1 What do you know about fashion? Лесная Ю.П. 2008
2 2 Цель: Развивать у учащихся способность монологически и диалогически высказываться по теме урока и давать свою оценку, разбираться в стилях и направлениях современной моды, быть активными, изобретательными. Воспитывать культуру внешнего вида.
3 3 Today well have an unusual lesson about fashion. Fashion plays a great role in your life. You want to be attractive and your clothes accentuate your individuality. But to be really attractive and well-mannered you should know when and where to wear this style or these clothes. So, today we have different combinations of clothes and style for different events in your life to show. We are going to start with the history of the 20 – th Century fashion in brief.
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5 5 This man has got international recognition in the haute couture world. His name is Valentin Yudashkin. In one of his press releases he said about his roots: I am terribly Russian. I am constantly trying to make the beauty of Russian culture, the Russian soul is known through my creations. He was born near Moscow in in Russia he showed his first collection in In 1991 he began doing haute couture runway shows in Paris.
6 6 His first Paris collection was called Faberge (1991). This was followed by Music (1992), Still Life (1993), Frescos (1994), Catherine the Great (1994) and Ballet (1995). The collection entitled Bridges of Paradise is one of the collections created in the end of the 20th century. Many of his collections were inspired by the music of Tchaikovsky, Rakhmaninov, Glinka. Nearly all his life he has been studying the Russian costume. He opens his couture house in Moscow in 1993.
7 7 His clients are mainly from the theatre and music world, businessmen and scientists. In 1997 Yudashkin became the member of the French fashion governing body. He said: I am Russian, but the capital of fashion is Paris.
8 8 Teenagers prefer sport style to feel comfortable in any place. They dont like formal clothes. Sometimes they forget that an official style is normal at work, at school or college on the one hand and high fashion is demanded at the parties on the other hand. Lets talk about high fashion in Russia.
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10 10 Its a punk style.
11 The end!
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