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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемНина Балахонова
2 Seasons Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white. Winter brings us snowflakes, Spring-green buds and shoots. Summer brings us berries, Autumn-golden fruits.
4 Модальный глагол Can Can-могу,умею,быть в состоянии,физическая возможность. Глагол в неопределенной форме,следующий за модальным глаголом,употребляется без частицы to I can swim-Я могу плавать При отрицании употребляется частица not I can not swim-Я не умею плавать Сокращенная форма cant
9 Compare and remember It is cold. Its cold. It is winter Its winter.
10 What holidays do children enjoy in spring in England? In the UK children decorate eggs, but most British people simply exchange chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday. Chocolate Easter Bunnies can be found in shops. In the north of England and the north of Ireland, the traditions of rolling decorated eggs down hills is still adhered to. In England on 1st May children dance traditional spring dances such as the Maypole, when they weave their brightly coloured scarves around a long pole.
11 HOT CROSS BUNS Hot cross buns, Hot cross buns. One a penny, Two a penny, Hot cross buns. If you have no daughters Give them to your sons. One a penny, Two a penny, Hot cross buns.
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