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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемЛариса Мухортова
1 yellow pink blue white black green red orange purple grey
2 New words with transcription. Yellow [ jelou ] Pink [pink ] Red [red ] White [wait ] Black [bl ӕ k ] Blue [ blu: ] grey [grei ] purple [p ə: pl ] Orange [ ɑ ri:n ʤ ] Green [gri:n ] Brown [braun ]
3 Exercise 2 page 21 What colour is the sun? The sun is purple. What colour is the sky? The sky is pink. What colour are the clouds? The clouds are white. What colour are birds? The birds are brown.
4 What colour is the house? The house is red. What colour are trees? The trees are yellow.. What colour is grass? The grass is orange. What colour are flowers? The flowers are green. What colour is cat? The cat is green.
5 What are they in real life? The sun is….. The sky is….. The clouds are… The birds are… The house is … The trees are… The grass is… The flowers are… The cat is…
6 We Write We say Uu /u:/ Blue, music,pupil / Ʌ / up, cup
7 New Words and transcription. sun [s n ] - солнце sky [ skai ] - небо cloud [ klaud ] - облако clouds -облака bird [ b ə : d ] - птица birds - птицы house [haus ] - дом tree [ tri: ] – дерево trees - деревья grass [gra: s ] – трава flower [flau ə ] - цветок flowers - цветы cat [k ӕ t ] - кот cats - коты
8 Rainbow Радуга Red and yellow and pink and green, Purple and orange and blue, I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, too
9 Home work. Learn words, p.21. Выучить слова стр. 21 Сделать карточки всех цветов. Make cads of all colours.
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