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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемЕлена Ружникова
1 Tolerance – is it important?
2 Tolerance is… the willingness or ability to tolerate smb\ smth Tolerate – 1)to allow smth that you dont like or agree with to happen or continue; 2) to endure smb\smth w\o complaining, to put up with smth Терпимость – способность терпеть ч-т\к-т, быть выдержанным, выносливым, стойким, уметь мириться с существованием ч-л\к-л, считаться с мнением других, быть снисходительным
3 Tolerance is… The symbol of tolerance is a boat in which, like in Noahs Ark, completely different people and animals live together in order to save their lives. Александр Асмолов, доктор психологических наук
4 Tolerant is that tolerant does Under the skin we are all the same colour, a proverb A tolerant person is: patient, tactful, sympathetic, altruistic, humane, well-disposed to others, friendly, self-controlled, indulgent has a sense of humor can trust & be trusted understands differences keeps from making judgments inquisitive
5 Толерантность и терпимость «Толерантность для меня - это интерес, уважение и соучастие в культурно-другом, культурно-инаковом. Вот терпимость, когда я терплю, что моя церковь, а рядом с ней находится мечеть и синагога – все в одном квартале. А толерантность это когда я, православный верующий, вместе с евреем-иудаистом помогаю мусульманину строить его мечеть. Толерантность – это знание инаковости как части собственного». Валерий Тишков, директор института антропологии и этнологии РАН
6 Tolerance worldwide November 16 – International Tolerance Day (UNESCO) Follow three main principles: Respect for yourself Respect for others Responsibility for all your actions Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of theTibetan people
7 Different religions – one language Christianity- deal with people as you want them to deal with you Buddhism - treat others like yourself Confucianism – dont do yourself what you wouldnt like to get from others Hinduism –dont treat others in a way that hurts you Islam – love your brother like yourself Taoism –your neighbours success is your own success and your neighbours loss is your loss
8 Some opposites of tolerance Genocide – systematic killing of a racial or cultural group Racism - the belief that race accounts for differences in human character\ability and that a particular race is superior to others -discrimination or prejudice based on race Extremism – a tendency to go to extremes or an instance of going to extremes, esp. in political matters Xenophobia – a fear or contempt of that which is foreign or unknown, esp of strangers or foreign peoples. Ethnocentrism – belief in the superiority of ones own ethnic group
9 A way to tolerance
10 A way to tolerance – lets play You need: cards with stories 8\10 Numbers 1-30\40 Dice with numbers Players The players throw the dice in turn and make moves according to the number, if they get a card they read it aloud and express their opinion of the situation. Those win who get to the last number first.
11 All About Us - Venn Diagram Directions: Write details that tell how you are different in the outer circles. Write details that tell how you are alike where the circles overlap.
12 Where to find tolerance
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