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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемПолина Недокучаева
1 Boris Lapidus Chairman of the Unified Scientific Council JSC RZD General Director JSC VNIIZhT Chairman of the International Railway Research Board (IRRB) Doctor of Economics, Professor October 16, 2012
2 – Strategic aim – formation of infrastructure conditions for sustainable, intensive social and economic development in Russia, growth of mobility of population and physical distribution optimization, strengthening of the economic sovereignty and national security of the country, decrease of transportation costs, increases of competitiveness of national economy and providing leader positions of Russia on the basis of advancing and innovative development of the railway transport with the development of other branches of economy, means of transport and country regions. The goal of Strategy is Developing Rail Transport in the Russian Federation up to 2030 ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» 2
3 1 Railway system will be one of the major factors, which increase economic development in Russia and have multiple effects on the GDP growth. Planned results of strategy's realization ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» 3 2 Engineering, manufacturing and economic efficiency of railway transportation can lower the costs of the transportation of business, which can also stimulate variety of development of economy 3 The formation of territorial-production clusters and the balance in multi-region development can be achieved by modernized and expanded railway network 4 Russian railway network will be centerpiece of Eurasian vehicle system, providing extensive business relations between worlds centers of economic. 5 To increase the business developments and investment inflows in Russia, an effective and stable operations of a railway system can provide competency of the economy and attraction of the country 6 Russia railway system will be one of the leading industries of cutting-edge technologies and innovating development of vehicle, which also can bring up the development in many other related industries. 7 Railway system will be profitable for private investments, including railway lines construction, development of transportation, forwarding and logistics activities, operation of rolling stock and maintenance service
4 1 Complex modernization and reducing infrastructure repair capacity "Breakthrough" areas of railway transport until ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» 4 2 Accelerated transport containerization, the introduction of multi-modal logistics systems, a significant high speed delivery of cargo and a radical increase of the share of shipments delivered "just in time 3 High speed Ethernet construction and creation of core network of high-speed operation 4 Preparation of rolling stock and infrastructure for Organization of heavy traffic on the in the tideway of network 5 New requirements formulation to rolling stock regarding decrease of repair capacity and increase of its productivity 6 system implementation of complex control by train movements on basis of train separation 7 Introduction of dynamic monitoring, infrastructure and rolling stock conditions 8 Introduction of multisystem traction rolling stock and locomotives on the alternative fuel
5 1 Construction of additional (second, third and fourth) main lines for the most busy areas Actions of the Strategy's top Priorities ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» 5 2 Construction of track patrolling in big cities 3 Electrification of heavy traffic areas 4 Stations and centers development 5 Reconstruction and construction of new constructive works 6 Replacement and modernization of infrastructure technical aids
6 ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» 6
7 7 lines by sight of movement. ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта»
8 transport corridors development Attainment of modern foreign technique extension of cooperation in preparation and personnel development spheres Creation of logistics centers abroad profound cooperation with foreign countries Logistics foreign economic ties Participation in international organization Partnership development with countries space Participation in foreign infrastructure project Participation with foreign vehicle companies ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» International activity and increasing of railway competitiveness in the Russian Federation up to 2030г. 8
9 1 Improving equipment of international transport corridors passing through the Russians territory Events of railway competitive growth and expansion of international activities ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» 9 2 Integrated development Russian ports infrastructure and approaches to them 3 More intensive cooperation with large international vehicle companies and equity swap with them 4 Attainment of modern foreign technique and further localization of licensed technologies providing advantages over Russian analogues 5 Extension of cooperation in preparation and personnel development in research and development spheres
10 Construction of new railway lines up to 2030 Strategic lines are designed for strengthening of transport integrity of the Russian Federation. Processing line are designed for optimization of railway system with a view of acceleration of the economic and interregional communications Social important lines are designed for improving transport services for citizens and regions and High-speed lines are designed for passenger transportation with a speed 350 km/h Russian Federation financing mechanisms private investor + Russian Federation Russian Federation+ constituent entity Russian Federation+ constituent entity+ private investor, including «RZD» holdings Lines categories Cargo-generating lines are designed for logistics development in new finds of raw materials and industrial areas private investor, including «RZD» holdings + Russian Federation+ constituent entity length of a line 4112 km 2246 km 1262 km 4573 km4660 km 7277 km9168 km 659 km1528 km MINMAX all all all ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» 10
11 populationpopulation economyeconomy improvement of the quality of life and mobility. environmental improvement.. improvement of the quality of life and mobility. environmental improvement.. Global competitiveness. Implementation of development scenarios. Reduction of transport capacity. framework creation for new growing-points. governmentgovernment businessbusiness regionsregions investment attractiveness of the industry. Long term investment orders. Profitable transport conditions. Independence, integrity, safety private-public partnership Level equalization of regions development. Formation territorial clusters. Work creation. ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» Development of Russians railway system– the multiplier of social and economic growth of the country 11
12 result The multiplicate effect from realization of Strategy is estimated at 40 trillion rubles. by 2030 the density of a railway system will be increased by 24 % Meeting the demands of economic and population in transportation cargo growth by 1.6 times, passenger times Transport service of regions and new points of economic growth, including acceleration of development of Eastern Siberia and Far East Development of Russia railway according to world speed Engendering development in terms of long terms orders system growth of quality and safety of transportations Increase of general competitiveness in Russian economy railway employees population International partners Partners in transport business manufacturer investors passengers cargo shipper regions government Macroeconomic effect from railway development in the Russian Federation ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» 12
13 Moscow State University of Railway Engineering St.Petersburg State Railway University The Rostov state university of means of communication Siberian State University of Transport Communications ОАО «ИЭРТ» Центр проблемного анализа и государственно - управленческого проектирования ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» research-and-development resources, concentrated in Incorporated academic council RZD 13
14 KEY SUBJECTS: Optimization of transportation flow for the sake of business innovative approach to transportation control; scientific brainpower as a base of railway inovative development; integration of transport science in Pan-European measuring scale; transport machine building : scientific and technical inovations. KEY SUBJECTS: Optimization of transportation flow for the sake of business innovative approach to transportation control; scientific brainpower as a base of railway inovative development; integration of transport science in Pan-European measuring scale; transport machine building : scientific and technical inovations. 14 Recommendations for forum participants ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» participants :
15 2 Macroeconomic justification of spatial and product segments to be used by railway system 3 development of technologies for railway cooperation with other vehicles that will provide effective and quality service for passengers development of technologies of continuous displacement of goods and passengers without operational delay 4 Innovation adaptation in different region's conditions (if it is necessary – to find solution for every region), allowing each of them to maximize social and economic efficiency of railway activity 5 1 Formulations of innovative solutions which provide lowering costs of production and high speed transfer for people and goods, using new materials of connection rod, new constructions of lines and rolling stocks EFFICIENCY + SAFETY + ECOLOGY 15 preferred direction of global scientific researches of railway system (1) ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта»
16 7 Development of technical and technological solutions to provide with high-speed and low-cost passenger's long distance and extra-long-range transfer, including a significant reduction in price of high-speed transport technology "wheel-rail" and technology "magnetic levitation" 8 Creation of the integrated transport systems with a support on railway transport for the suburban and intracity rail transportation that less influence on the ecology and urban environment 9 Development of technical solutions, which helps to move into automated machining tranfer, and maintenance of technical equipment for regions with a deficit or a high cost of labor Developing innovative solutions to environmental and safety railway transport in order to minimize harmful impacts on the environment (including through the use of alternative energy sources) and a security guarantee for the health and lives of passengers from adjoining areas and railway workers 10 Create a high-speed freight rail link to transport high-value goods 6 16 promising directions of global railway investigation (2) ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта»
17 JSC «VNIIZhT» Inerrability development and providing for good trains free border crossing in transcontinental Europe-Asian loop Harmonization of regulatory system EU - Russia in railway system in compliance with particularities Federal Law «Concerning Technical Regulation » Harmonization of requirements to the infrastructure and rolling equipment based on the main complex tests at the Experimental Loop at JSC «VNIIZhT» high-speed passenger trains designed from cars with auto transition pass over from one gages wide to another and identifying the best route for roads the UIC members high-speed slow passenger trains Researching technical parameters such as the passing over from one gages wide system to another within identifying optimal ranges and later use UIC members wagoon 17 Research work presented to the European Union for railway exploring (ERRAC) (1) ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта»
18 JSC «НИИАС» JSC «ИЭРТ» Intelligent railway transport based on satellite navigation Economic efficiency defining at railway loop building about 1520 mm in Germany from Zasnic port to the biggest one logistic centers in Germany Economic efficiency defining of transportation of freight with introducing interpretable connection between Russia and other European countries Holding a high-speed railway passengers service between European countries and Russian Federation 18 Research work presented to the European Union for railway exploring (ERRAC) (2) ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта»
19 International Center United research council JSC «RR» On the base of JSC «VNIIZhT» Branch office and other HEI (scientific supporting and education) Centers, PKB, (Firing ground) JSC «VNIKTI» (technic) JSC «IART» (economics and development JSC«NIIAS» (Informatizatio nand autoimmunizati on) Railway administrations and private companies 1520 Head office of «RR» Holding Board Science and Engineering board Department, direction, brunches Russian Academy of Sciences Academy of transport International union of railway Foreign scientific management Russian Academy of Sciences Academy of transport International union of railway Foreign scientific management Scientific and research complex 19 Scientific research organization of Russian railway network ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта»
21 Growth of Science research integration JSC «VNIIZhT» - Head organization in creating, testing and putting into operation, technologies, corporate economy and integration scientific development in railway transport research 21 Breakthrough decisions for improving efficiency in priority course realization in scientific research ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» Developing EU -Russia cooperation in railway transport research The Renaissance in the railway transport grounded on innovative base
22 22 Issues for further mutual research ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта» 1 Development of intellectual boarding in transporting based on modern digital, telecommunicational and satellite technology 2 Creating a railway and rolling equipment monitoring system (RR Monitor) 3 Satellite localization and transmission facilities developing 4 Developing a system of the track facilities system based on innovative technology 5 New pointworks creating as a tool to enhance trains speed 6 Working out of new materials for railway infrastructure 7 Improving of higher loop construction to cut price of life cycle 8 Constricting new transformational goods and efficient rolling equipment to Euro-Asian transportation service 9 Development and realization of energy-conservative programs and technologyGreen transport organizing, developed in harmony with environment and other issues 10
23 Thank you for attention! 23 ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт железнодорожного транспорта»
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