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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемПотап Пехтерев
1 Автор: Цветкова Татьяна Васильевна, заместитель директора по УР, учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия 2» Презентация «Вопросы» Содержание: - типы вопросов; - тренировочные задания с ответами на отработку вопросов всех типов с разными грамматическими структурами.
3 Types of questions Yes/no questions (general) wh-questions (special) or-questions (alternative) who questions (questions to the subject) tag questions
4 Word order in questions /Question word(s)/ Вопросительное слово auxilary word вспомогательный глагол subject подлежащее verb глагол - сказуемое оbject дополнение adverbials обстоятельства /preposition/ предлог question mark (?) В вопросе к подлежащему (question to the subject) порядок слов не меняется, употребляется единственное число.
5 Have got questions (1) They have got a cat. Have they got a cat? Yes, they have. Have they got a dog? No, they havent. What have they got? A pet. What pet have they got? A cat. What colour pet have they got? Black. Have they got a black or white cat? They havent got a white cat. They have got a black cat. Who has got a cat? They have.
6 Have got questions (2) Mary has got pens. Has Mary got pens? Yes, she has. Has Mary got balls? No, she hasnt. What colour pens has Mary got? Red and blue. How many pens has Mary got? Two. Has Mary got balls or pens? She hasnt got balls. She has got pens. Who has got pens? Mary has.
7 Be questions (1) They are nice boys. Are they nice boys? Yes, they are. Are they naughty boys? No, they arent. What kind of boys are they? They are nice. Are they here or there? They arent there. They are here. Who is nice? They are.
8 Be questions (2) She is a clever girl. Is she a clever girl? Yes, she is. Is she a silly girl? No, she isnt. What kind of girl is she? She is a clever girl. Is she 8 or 9? She isnt 8. She is 9. Who is 9? She is.
9 Can questions He can play the drums. Can he play the guitar? No, he cant. Can he play the drums? Yes, he can. Can he play the guitar or the drums? He cant play the guitar. He can play the drums. How well can he play the drums? Very well. Who can play the drums? Dan can.
10 There is /are questions There are some girls. Are there any boys? No, there arent. Are there any girls? Yes, there are. Are there any boys or girls? There are no boys. There are some girls. How many girls are there? Three. Who is there in the room? Some girls.
11 Do / does questions 1 They go to the market every weekend. Do they go to the market? Yes, they do. Do they go to the cinema? No, they dont. Do they go there every day or every weekend? They dont go there every day. They go there every weekend. Where do they go? They go to the market. Who goes to the market? The girls and their mothers do.
12 Do / does questions 2 Мark jogs in the park from 6 to 7. Does Mark jog in the park from 6 to 7? Yes, he does. Does he jog in the gym? No, he doesnt. Does he jog from 7 to 8 or from 6 to 7? He doesnt jog from 7 to 8. He jogs from 6 to 7. Why does he jog? He jogs because he wants to be fit. Who jogs in the park? Mark jogs in the park.
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