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Презентация была опубликована 11 лет назад пользователемВладислав Яхъев
1 Cooperation activities of the International Federation for Peace and Conciliation with partner organizations Presentation by Victor Kamyshanov, president of the IFPC for the Health Grouping of the Conference of the INGO with participatory status with the Council of Europe Strasbourg, April 2007
2 At the hart of the contemporary civilization is the healthy and spiritually advanced person. All-Russia Action For healthy life. Made up yourself was organized by NGO League of Health of a Nation in 2006 Leo Bokeria, leading cardiologist of Russia, Initiator of action
3 Route of the Action From Moscow to Rostov-on-Don down the Volga and Don rivers Plenary sessions Healthy generation – milestones for XXI Century»
4 Route of the Action From Moscow to Rostov-on-Don down the Volga and Don rivers In all regions on the route of the action For healthy life. Made up yourself Russian innovations in health sphere provoked grate interest among representatives of health care system Most of regional specialists didn't know about new technologies in health care system The action organized after initiative of the League of Health of a Nation gave an impact for new technologies implementation
5 Formation of the unified information space in the country by organizing events with participation of the civil society and authorities in order create healthy way of life as individual and public priority; Implementation of innovative technologies for health enhancement of the population Aims of the action:
6 Young activists of League of Health of a Nation Involvement of youths into active public activity for healthy way of life proliferation
7 Participants of the action Touch the Heart of a child organized after initiative of League of Health of a Nation Дефект межсердечной перегородки Прооперирована г.
8 Nations health is unquestionable public value, priority of state policy, ground for national resources and national security Ideology of the Forum
9 Construction of NGO cooperation and interaction in health care sphere is the main task of the League in Russia and CIS countries
10 In conditions of weakening state control over the health care services Russian NGO community can propose new measures for health care system strengthening The International Federation for Peace and Conciliation as International NGO tries to make possible contribution to healthy way of life promotion through its day-to-day activity in the framework of its programs. During last decade the children program Childhood of Peace, Good and Conciliation is being implemented at IFPC. Meetings in the framework of the program are targeted to social and psychological problems settlement. The IFPC comprehensively supports innovative initiatives of League of Health of a Nation
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